over 3 years ago


Cannot Reproduce

makeWebRequest: bad request on some devices

Some devices got a bad request on next makeWebRequest: 

Communications.makeWebRequest("[email protected]/events",
{timeMin=>2020-4-30T12:19:00+02:00, timeMax=>2020-5-1T12:19:00+02:00},
{:method=>Communications.HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD_GET, :headers=>{ "Authorization"=>"Bearer "+"ya29…valid-oauth-token…
OpxLk" }}, method(:onEvents));

  1. in simulator it works fine
  2. in majority of devices it works fine
  3. the oauth token is valid: the login was confirmed and another request was successful
  4. Error 400: Bad Request on some devices: e.g.  iPhone X, iOS 13.4.1, Garmin Connect: 4.30
    1. same parameters work on
    2. the user even tested it works for his account in the simulator, but not in the device through his phone


  • by previous testing I realised in another request the device translated "showDeleted"=>false  to "showDeleted"=>0 and that was not accepted by Google on some devices while worked fine on most of them. So I fixed that one. 
  • but in the request above all the parameters are strings, so I don't see anything that can go wrong. 
  • from debugging couple of devices, I am almost sure the problem is caused inside the makeWebRequest. But I don't know what can go wrong. The debug data just looks good yet it replies with the Bad Request. 

What can be wrong there? 

The only idea I have is that it is something phone/app specific inside the makeWebRequest itself. 

Source, app.

  • What do you need to reproduce it? 

    1. you have an exact line causing an error

    2. you have a user log from Gildas82 you asked for

    3. you have 21 users here you can ask for more to identify devices or mobiles with the problem

    4. you have all the devices you manufacture to test it

    5. the error still occurs, I still get reports from users of my watch face 

  • What do you need to reproduce it? 

    1. you have an exact line causing an error

    2. you have a user log from Gildas82 you asked for

    3. you have 21 users here you can ask for more to identify devices or mobiles with the problem

    4. you have all the devices you manufacture to test it

    5. the error still occurs, I still get reports from users of my watch face 

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