Under Review
over 1 year ago

FR645 and others since fw 7.20: major issues with custom fonts

  • Tests point out it has to do something with char=48 (0) on fonts that do cause the crash.

  • 7. 20 update causes battery drain on my fr645 music 

  • Here's an example WF that causes the crash on a f645 device with 7.20 FW.  It's the standard WF template, with a custom fond and a loadResourse() call in initialize() for the view. It runs fine in the sim.


    It was built as a side load using 4.1.7 as a debug build.  Here's the crash:

    Error: System Error
    Details: 'Failed invoking <symbol>'
    Time: 2023-02-17T22:17:48Z
    Part-Number: 006-B2888-00
    Firmware-Version: '7.20'
    Language-Code: eng
    ConnectIQ-Version: 4.1.7
    Filename: F645
    Appname: F645
      - pc: 0x1000009a
        File: 'C:\Users\James\workspace-prod\F645\source\F645View.mc'
        Line: 11
        Function: initialize
      - pc: 0x10000195
        File: 'C:\Users\James\workspace-prod\F645\source\F645App.mc'
        Line: 21
        Function: getInitialView

    This is line 11:

    var myFont=WatchUi.loadResource(Rez.Fonts.id_icon);

    The one thing I added to the template.