
Feature-request: add sleep data to the sdk (2022)

Please add sleep related data to the SDK so apps/widgets can read the sleep data (similar to ActivityMonitor.getBodyBatteryHistory(),at least the stages with the timestamps, maybe also the aggregated time for the stages and the sleep score)

  • All issues get acknowledged and transferred to our internal tracking system for triaging and prioritizing. The forum ticket status got out of sync with our workflow of transferring issue. All old forum tickets were set to the "in review" status despite having already been acknowledged. This means that this issue would have been looked at back when it was created.

    If you believe this still to be an issue you can make a new ticket so that it can be looked at again.

  • All issues get acknowledged and transferred to our internal tracking system for triaging and prioritizing. The forum ticket status got out of sync with our workflow of transferring issue. All old forum tickets were set to the "in review" status despite having already been acknowledged. This means that this issue would have been looked at back when it was created.

    If you believe this still to be an issue you can make a new ticket so that it can be looked at again.

  • What? Then the situation is actually even worse, than what I thought! You actually commented on one of the top 3 up-voted feature request, having no idea what it is about, and not even thinking, that if 400+ people up-voted it, and s few people comment on it monthly, then it's "still relevant". Why the hack would I open a new ticket when I could also send it to the "post an idea" form or straight where it (now semi confirmed by you) goes anyways: /dev/null ?