
Feature-request: add sleep data to the sdk (2022)

Please add sleep related data to the SDK so apps/widgets can read the sleep data (similar to ActivityMonitor.getBodyBatteryHistory(),at least the stages with the timestamps, maybe also the aggregated time for the stages and the sleep score)

  • What? Then the situation is actually even worse, than what I thought! You actually commented on one of the top 3 up-voted feature request, having no idea what it is about, and not even thinking, that if 400+ people up-voted it, and s few people comment on it monthly, then it's "still relevant". Why the hack would I open a new ticket when I could also send it to the "post an idea" form or straight where it (now semi confirmed by you) goes anyways: /dev/null ?

  • What? Then the situation is actually even worse, than what I thought! You actually commented on one of the top 3 up-voted feature request, having no idea what it is about, and not even thinking, that if 400+ people up-voted it, and s few people comment on it monthly, then it's "still relevant". Why the hack would I open a new ticket when I could also send it to the "post an idea" form or straight where it (now semi confirmed by you) goes anyways: /dev/null ?

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