over 3 years ago


Cannot Reproduce

Edge 1030plus makeImageRequest blue hue while activity is recording

I have had two reports from users of the Edge 1030 Plus that when they run my weather radar widget on their device, the image is displayed with a blue hue over the image.  One user has tracked down the issue only occurs when the device is actively recording a ride and provided these two pictures.  Both users appear to be on FW version 2.30.  So I don't know if this was fixed with version 3.0 or if this is something going on with the image processing server/GCM.  See the pictures.  I know I don't check for a running activity in my code and I only request and display the image as provided by the radar source, so I am at a loss as to how to troubleshoot this.

Activity not started (looks fine).

Activity being recorded (timer running)

  • The one common thing I can see is the both users are using GCM on Android.  One is using version 4.33 and the other is 4.34.

    After seeing the Edge 1030 plus prefer WiFi, I did some testing with my Edge 830. 

    1. First I had the WiFi enabled and it was able to download the radar images between 10-15 seconds. 
    2. Next I tried it with both WiFI and BT enabled and it appears to still use the WiFi connection as the time is the same 10-15 seconds to download the images. 
    3. Last I had WiFi off and only used the Bluetooth connection to the phone and I was not able to download the radar images.  Most of the time the device would just hang on downloading the images.  A couple times I was able to get a single image but it took over 2 minutes. The device would go to sleep (5 min) before downloading all 3 images to make the animation.  

    The funny thing is I can fire up my Edge 1000 which only supports download over Bluetooth and it will download larger images over the phone in 10-15 seconds reliably every time, even when connected to the same phone at the same time as the Edge 830.  I can start the widget on the Edge 830 while connected to the phone.  Wait 15-20 seconds then fire up the widget on the 1000, and the edge 1000 will have the images downloaded and showing the animation while the edge 830 is still trying to get the first image.

    In my case, I too am running Garmin Connect Mobile Android 4.34 on a Motorola Moto Z4.

    While I was doing my testing, I got a report from an Edge 530 user basically stating that the first time the widget is run, he is able to get the image, but it just acts like it hangs trying to download the next time the widget is run.  The only way they have got it to download an image again is to reboot the Edge device.

    There is something going on with the Edge x30 devices with image downloads.  I just can't put my finger on what it is or what I can do different.  The small army of watches I have all seem to work fine over the BLE link.

    I wonder if the Edge x30 devices are using BLE for the data transfer where as the Edge 1000 is using regular Bluetooth.  if it is, that could explain the speed differences.

  • In that case, I'd see what version of GCM they have, as it could be something fixed in a newer version.

  • Jim, good call.  I heard back from the user.  They did have WiFi on.  Apparently the device will prefer WiFi over Bluetooth if it is available.  The user turned off WiFi and got the blue hue regardless of if the activity was recording.  So it appear that if the connection is proxies over BT through Garmin Connect Mobile, the image gets a blue hue.  Anything over WiFi is fine.

  • Jim, you are correct edge devices with WiFi will try to connect to any available networks as long as there is no activity being recorded.  Once the activity is started the WiFi is turned off.  The x30 devices can use the WiFi for CIQ apps and widgets if they are not connected to the phone.  In my testing using my 830 it appeared, based on image download time, that if the phone was connected, the Bluetooth link was always used over WiFi when both were available.  I don't really have a way to confirm other than observing how long the download would take knowing the BT was slower.  I have asked one of the users experiencing the problem to disable WiFi and send me pictures of the image downloaded over BT with and without an activity being recorded.  It will be an interesting test.

  • One thought occurred to me.  Could it be wifi vs bt?  If you're recording, I think Wifi is turned off with some edge devices, but it's on when you're not