over 2 years ago


Activity name for SPORT_SWIMMING gets overwritten with 'Swimming'

For every other activity, the name defined in ActivityRecording.createSession({}) is what shows in Garmin Connect, but when using SPORT_SWIMMING, it just shows 'Swimming', this is a shame because SPORT_SWIMMING also seems to be the only sport that can be used without having steps counted and added to the days step counter. Ideally, there would be a way to turn step counting off for any sport, in the very least SPORT_GENERIC should be this way so that it can be more customized.

  • What I'm hearing here is that this is less of an issue of the name with Swimming and more of an issue with not having a good option to record this activity type with. I've created a feature request to allow you the ability to turn off step tracking for a specific profile type in recording. Note that this is a request and there isn't a guarantee, but I'll pass it up the line. Thanks.

  • What I'm hearing here is that this is less of an issue of the name with Swimming and more of an issue with not having a good option to record this activity type with. I've created a feature request to allow you the ability to turn off step tracking for a specific profile type in recording. Note that this is a request and there isn't a guarantee, but I'll pass it up the line. Thanks.
