Watchface: Data Lover

A watch face featuring:
  • a readable time font
  • sun events
  • active statistics (heart rate / steps / stairs)
  • YAHOO! weather & forecasts.
  • ....

  • Solar intensity shows as -1, was working correctly at first. Any ideas?

    I'm just showing whatever the api is returning to me. But maybe I should show 0 when the value returned is lower than 0.

  • For about a week now I've been trying to get the face working again. When I go to select the watch face in the Fenix 5 itself it shows a connect iq icon with an exclamation. I'm unable to uninstall it in the comment iq phone app. The unusual button is greyed out. When I plug it up to the computer I'm able to remove it but when I reinstall it I'm back to the same issue.

    I would like to note over been using this for months now and it is an amazing app!!! The 15 min gps weather update is outstanding.

  • It sounds like the app is crashing on your fenix 5. 

    Can you send me an email on [email protected] 

    - let me know the firmware version of your fenix 5 (you see this in the system / about on your watch)

    - connect your watch with usb to your computer and send me the file ciq_log.yml found in the folder garmin/apps/logs (this file will contain info about the app crash so that I can fix it)  

  • Hi Peter, 

    Loving the app and all the weather information and location was correct. However, when I donated and added the key to unlock more frequent weather updates and to remove the "Donate..." message the location display suddenly became incorrect. I have followed all the steps in the FAQs and have even reinstalled it. 

    In particularly, the weather and temperature is correct but the location displays "p null united kingdom". How could this be rectified? 

    Thanks, Delvin

  • Hi Peter, 

    Loving the app and all the weather information and location was correct. However, when I donated and added the key to unlock more frequent weather updates and to remove the "Donate..." message, the location display suddenly became incorrect. I have followed all the steps in the FAQs and have even reinstalled it. 

    In particular, the weather and temperature is correct but the location displays "p null united kingdom". How could this be rectified? 

    Thanks, Delvin

  • the p is because you use 12 hour time, you can switch to 24 hour time in the system settings on your watch (display -> time -> 24 hour)

    the null city is a bug in the Garmin Weather provider, I'll add a workaround to remove the null from the city name in the next version.

    what you can do now is to switch to the OpenWeatherMap weather provider in the application settings of data lover so that you will see the proper city name.

    1. There's probably an encoding bug / a bug with umlauts. For instance: "Zürich" will be shown as "ZArich" (with Garmin Weather provider — should OpenWeatherMap be better?).
    2. Would it be possible to enforce an reconnection attempt to the mobile phone (and therefore location updates)?
    3. Just a detail: the stock battery loading notification is shown when charging the watch and it's sometimes showing a difference to the amount shown in the watchface.
    4. How is the weather state shown? I have the feeling that it only shows the state of the weather, when it was synced. But I would expect that it would show what was predicted for a certain time. So let's say it's sunny now but the API says it will rain in an hour (i.e. it's returning a hash with time as key and weather information as value). Will the watchface show in an hour that it's raining, even if it wasn't able to sync with the mobile phone in the meantime?
    5. Is there an official issue tracker on GitHub/GitLab/anywhere else?

    PS: I already have a donation key from you in case that's relevant
    PPS: Thank you for your work!

  • 1. that's probably a bug in my routine to transliterate special characters, so I'll have to  double check that.

    2. it would be you that has to do this. Usually running Garmin Connect Mobile is sufficient, but it can help to reboot watch and phone.

    3. The battery value is a decimal, I always round it down, Garmin rounds it to the nearest integer. I save 8 bytes of memory by rounding it down (yes I'm at the counting bytes level in Data Lover as I'm near to the limit)

    4. data lover always takes the current forecast, it hasn't got hold of future predictions  

    5. I have a private issues to fix list :)

  • 1. I just checked and transliteration looks ok. Could it be that you're using openweathermap? I have a known issue there that the characters are not delivered in the expected utf8 format

  • Thank you for your fast response.

    1. Thank you for looking into this.
    2. Can I also trigger this on the watch?
    3. Rounding down saves memory? Isn't the type more relevant than it's value? Java has the data type, which can store values from -128 to 127 (therefore more than enough resolution to save integers for showing battery percentage — you could even easily encode this to half percentages or so). But the variable should always take the exact same space in memory. Regardless which value it contains. And therefore regardless whether the stored value was rounded up, down or to the nearest value. I guess I misunderstood your comment somehow?
    4. Ah okay. In this case unfortunately my guess was correct. Would it be possible to put this on your feature list?
    5. Any plans to change this and use a public issue tracker?