Data Field: All In One

The data field All In One integrates the logic of several of my data fields into 1 data field and gets the absolute maximum out of the available watch memory.


The functionalities which are available depend on the memory that is available on your watch for data fields. Because of memory limitations I also had to make some concessions towards configurability in favor of integrating more logic.

Connect IQ 1 devices (FR230, FR235, FR630, Vivoactive, Fenix3 (hr), D2Bravo (titanium), tactix Bravo, Quatix 3)

  • 5 customizable fields with 20 possible field options
  • ability to set up your preferences for 3 activity profiles (run / bike / other), so that you only need to store 1 connect iq field on your watch, yet are able to configure your profiles differently
  • Integration of Data Field: Fat Burner (fixed value per zone, no configurable zone values)
  • Integration of Data Field: Let There Be Light! (only enough memory to provide the choice between always on or always off)

Connect IQ 2 devices (Fr735xt, Fenix 5, Fenix 5s, Fenix Chronos, Fr935, FR645, Vivoactive 3, Vivoactive Hr, Approach S60) :

  • 5 customizable fields with 25 possible field options
  • abiltity to set up your preferences for 3 activity profiles (run / bike / other), so that you only need to store 1 connect iq field on your watch, yet are able to configure your profiles differently
  • abitlity to record metrics to fit file (defaults to off. When on the following metrics are recorded in the activity summary: fat burned, carbs burned, activity steps)
  • allow to change settings while field active
  • Integration of Data Field: Fat Burner (always interpolation method, no configurable zone values)
  • Integration of Data Field: Eat! Drink! Reminder! (up to 3 configurable alarms)
  • Integration of Data Field: Back To Start
  • Integration of Data Field: Elevation Grade (grade in percent, elevation grade not available on non barometric devices)
  • Integration of Data Field: Let There Be Light! (not enough memory to calculate sunset/sunrise, but instead you can opt to turn on the light before/after a certain reference hour)
  • Integration of Data Field: Steps Carousel (carousel of activity steps / goal completed percentage)

Connect IQ 2 devices with 128k memory (Fenix5x, D2Charlie, Descent Mk1):

  • All features of Connect IQ 2 devices specified above
  • Configurable Fat Burner
  • Extra graph for fat burned / carbs burned over the course of the activity (in addition to the value in the summary) so you can analyse after your activity where you burned most fat
  • Let There Be Light Setting allows to turn the light on between sunset and sunrise

Big Connect IQ 2 devices with 128k memory or more (Edge 820, Oregon 7, Rino 7, Edge 1000, Edge 1030):

  • All features of Connect IQ 2 devices with 128k memory specified above
  • Option to show Background image
  • Totally understood. But would add a version comment to give heads-up issue is on Garmin side
  • Loving this data field. Two requests, thought perhaps both are not possible do to memory concerns:

    (1) Any chance you could add "Lap Distance" as an option to some or all of the fields? This would allow me to use this field for intervals as well, which would be great.

    (2) I would love it if the third row down was also configurable. It's currently set to timer and distance. I don't actually need those as badly as some others, for my setup. Is this possible? I have 935.

  • It is as you feared, as I'm indeed all out of memory on the 935, so I won't be able to fulfill either of your requests.
    (a small light at the end of the tunnel: I have it on my to do list (but it has been there for a while, there's always other stuff coming in between) to create an interval app though)
  • Released All In One v2.2:
    • Temporarily removed Edge 130 support (waiting for Garmin fix (Garmin Device bug during initialization of the field))
    • All devices:
      • Reordering of field settings

    • Changes on devices with 128k memory (or more):
      • Add new field options: Avg Hr, Power 5s, Power 10s, Power Avg, Power Lap, Mean sea level Pressure, Ambient Pressure
      • Added possibility to configure Power Zones
      • Added coloring of Power Zones
      • Added coloring of top/lower field

  • Thanks for the warning. In that case I'll charge my watch OFF the computer instead of through the computer like I usually do. I have a Half on Sunday, and don't like updating apps just before a race in case a bug might have crept in. After the race I'll update everything.
  • yes, this is the device initialization issue I mentioned, it crashes on getting the device settings in my getSys() function which only contains a call to System.getDeviceSettings() which is a native Connect Iq function. (so this is something to be fixed by the Edge 130 device team, I can't fix this one).

    Is there a specific bug reported around this? I'm running into the same thing with my data fields with an exception in Sys.getDeviceSettings() on the 130. Only happens from a shutdown/turn on of the device. I can re-set the data field page for the data field and all works, until the next shutdown.
  • Is there a specific bug reported around this? I'm running into the same thing with my data fields with an exception in Sys.getDeviceSettings() on the 130. Only happens from a shutdown/turn on of the device. I can re-set the data field page for the data field and all works, until the next shutdown.

    I didn't create a topic for it in the bug reports (sorry) as I wasn't sure of the cause and mailed the case to [EMAIL="[email protected]"][email protected][/EMAIL] email address, it was verified that getting the device settings was the cause, so the team is aware of the issue.
  • Thanks for the warning. In that case I'll charge my watch OFF the computer instead of through the computer like I usually do. I have a Half on Sunday, and don't like updating apps just before a race in case a bug might have crept in. After the race I'll update everything.

    I hope there are no bugs in too, but it's indeed smart to be cautious if you have a race tomorrow. Good luck on your race and have fun!
  • Hello Peter,
    I'm using your data field with a Descent MK1. It was working perfectly tuntil my last run (updated version maybe). Till then I got a blank screen with a superb IQ symbol and that's all. I try to deinstall re-install same result…
    Any idea, suggestion ?
    Thanks in advance for your help.
  • hey Serge,

    The good thing is that the field also crashed in the Descent Mk1 simulator, so I was able to investigate (and fix) the crash. The problem was that the Descent Mk1 does not have the connect iq 2.4 virtual machine yet (at the moment it's still Connect Iq 2.3.4), because of the virtual machine version the mslPressure and ambientPressure are not available yet on this device.

    I've uploaded a new version (2.2.2) of the data field, when you deinstall and reinstall the data field should no longer crash and show the IQ! symbol.