gimporter/gexporter - import FIT/GPX courses from your Android phone

This is the support thread of "gimporter" and the android companion app "gexporter".

Imagine you are on the go and want to upload a course to your Garmin device to follow the track. As of now, this involves uploading the gpx file to the Garmin web site, somehow create a course from it and then select "Export to device" in the mobile app.

Here comes gimporter. Download your FIT and GPX courses with the "gimporter" ConnectIQ app from the "Download" folder of your Android device.


  • Keep the Android app open, while downloading!
  • Oregon and Rino devices download the unmodified GPX track. No point reduction or speed recalculation is done yet
  • On some devices (like the Edge 1030) you have to disable WiFi while using the app

ConnectIQ App:

ConnectIQ Widget:

Android App:

Source code:

  • What is producing the POI/waypoint?

    If you have internet access, you can use "" to create a waypoint and load it using the sendpoints app or my app.

  • I save gpx file from viewranger or oruxmaps and then send via Gimporter as it doesn't require internet which is not often available in the mountains etc.... I already use the app to send adhoc routes but need the poi/waypoint function too... Your app requires data connect so is pretty useless when you have none...

  • I'm well-aware of the problem with needing a data connection. If it was easy to not use a data connection, I (and others) would already be doing it.

    The problem is that Garmin IQ only lets you download route files or open web pages.

    Since the location isn't a route, it would have to be provided as a web page.

    It wouldn't be too hard to update the GExporter android app to provide the location as a "web page". It would be easy to update the GImporter IQ app/widget to read the "web page".

  • I have NO idea what you mean by that or what that has to do with a poi/waypoint save as a GPX file from another program!!!

  • Garmin doesn't let IQ apps/widgets do "everything". Garmin doesn't let apps/widgets download GPX (or FIT) files containing POIs or waypoints.

    Apps/widgets can only download route files and it's FIT files for some devices and GPX for others (your device can't download both file types: it's either one or the other).

    The GExporter android app actually converts GPX files to FIT (and vice versa) on the phone to match what format the device requires (this is a very cool feature).

    The only way for an IQ app/widget to get a location is to get it by opening a web page (one that returns something called "JSON").

    So, what the GExporter android would have to do is translate the GPX file into a JSON file and let you pick that.

    That's not too hard to do (I do it in a Windows program that sort of works like GExporter).

    This is also what the website and the sendpoints IQ app does.

    (This detail is mostly going to be understandable by developers.)

  • Thank you for taking the time to explain as best you can... I do appreciate it....   I think I understand better.... In simple terms the companion app converts it to a format that can be sent to the device this format is a sort of web page.... 

    Again thank you 

  • What you want is completely reasonable, obviously.

    It wouldn't be too hard for the GExport Android app to be modified to do it.

    GExporter could be modified to extract waypoints/locations from GPX/FIT files and write them to a file in JSON format.

    It could even use the same format as what the sendpoints app uses.

    The GImporter IQ app could include these files in the list it displays. If it used a particular extension (like *.loc), the app could know to create a location instead of trying to download a GPX/FIT course file.

    That's what I do with my Windows app and my IQ app.

  • But does your app etc require a data connection eg to be connect to the internet??? 

  • No, the IQ apps (GRouteLoader and GExporter) don't require internet access.

    GExporter creates a webserver that Garmin Connect Mobile can access.

  • And it will transfer SINGLE pois created in other apps?? Plus the app description suggests it is more for cyclist  than walking etc.Is this the case? if so why?

    Also I noticed you have a PC app(not the gearth one) but could not find a download link...