Data Field: DRNG

  • If you also want native Garmin Running power, you can try PowerMeter
    automatically connected via Bluetooth.

    Separate question - can you elaborate on this?  Are you saying I can use both Stryd and Garmin's native power?  How will those show up in post-analysis?

  • Nice to hear that you found a solution.

    Now your Question: What I mean by that is that the ANT connection to the Stryd must not be activated via Germin, because otherwise DRNG will not be able to establish a connection. However, if for whatever reason a connection from Garmin to the Stryd as a power meter is still required with the Stryd, it can be connected via BLE without disrupting the connection to the DRNG.

    Whether you can see Garmin Native Power in the evaluations later depends on the watch and the Garmin settings, I think. On my 965 I see both data (Garmin power and Stryd power)

  • Whether you can see Garmin Native Power in the evaluations later depends on the watch and the Garmin settings, I think. On my 965 I see both data (Garmin power and Stryd power)

    Thanks for the explanation - does that impact the data that makes it into Stryd's ecosystem Powercenter?

  • At least for Powercenter and Runalyze I can confirm that they currently use the "correct" power (from Stryd), although both are included in the FIT file

  • Thanks for confirming.

  • Great datafield!

    But how do I set a vertical label (like on the screenshots in the IQ store)? Do I need pro version for that?

  • @RoWe - Can you explain the behavior when a Tempe device is in the sensor list?  i seem to be showing a Tempe temperature on my DF even when the Tempe is not present (but might have been prior to starting the run - like it was in my garage for example).  

    Garmin does this weird thing where it disables the Tempe in its sensor menu if it has ever been connected on the 965 (check it out when you can) so I am not sure what is happening.  Would be great if you could grab the temperature from the Stryd footpod!

  • Hello, I just bought the app, and it's fantastic. Just one question: the "pace 3's" metric doesn't show the label in color. Is it a bug, or does that metric not support coloring? Could it be included in some way? Thanks a lot.

  • You found a Bug. "Pace 3s" and "Pa ..s" are missing in colored labels. Will be fixed in the next release.

  • If Garmin has connected a sensor that provides temperature values, these are read by DRNG every 5 minutes, saved and retained until other values ​​are provided. It is therefore quite possible that the first "garage" value is always displayed, even though there is no longer a connection. I try to find a way to check connection state.

    You could set the source for temperature to other in "Source-Priority for Temperature and Humidity"

    Unfortunately there is no info available to read temp/humidity from Stryd until now. Only Stryd himself knows how to do that and I heard that they will not share this info.