Forum for the data field "Datarun Next Generation 4-36 metrics"
Forum for the data field "Datarun Next Generation 4-36 metrics"
Tip: Howto use Power direct from Stryd in DRNG:
If Garmin has connected a sensor that provides temperature values, these are read by DRNG every 5 minutes, saved and retained until other values are provided. It is therefore quite possible that the…
Hi NosGer, you're right, the "AvgPace" doesn't make sense in terms of color, because the pace fields are all compared with the AvgPace of the activity and the size of the difference is shown in color.…
Tip: Howto use Power direct from Stryd in DRNG:
Tip: Howto use ExtData-Function in DRNG
read here:
Tip: Howto use PartnerMetrics-Function in DRNG
read here:
New in 3.1.3:
* Optimization: avoid exceptions on invalid configurations
New in 3.1.2:
* Bugfix: Replaced Storage.setValue() because of Garmin-System-Bug (used for Tempe data). Please report if you use a Tempe and it doesn't work.
* Optimization: reduced memory usage
Hi RoWe - Love the CIQ datafield, and I was one of the guys that was asking for someone to replace Joop Verdoon's original, so thanks again.
However, I am getting intermittent power values on my 965 since the most recent FW 21.19. Usually I get no power, but every 3rd use or so, it actually does show up. Any ideas how I can fix?
Sorry for the delay, yes I use Stryd - it's always worked fine but in the last month the power figures come and they go. I had recently had 3-4 runs where it was showing up but the one from this morning was all "0" again. What can I do to fix?
What kind/version of Stryd do you have? Is it Stryd-Duo?
please check this:
• ANT+ ID entered in DRNG
• Stryd only connected as foot pod, power meter disconnected
• Running power set to Off in the activity settings
• If you also want native Garmin Running power, you can try PowerMeter
automatically connected via Bluetooth.
• When starting, always make sure that there are no red corners displayed at the
bottom, left and right of the battery field. This means that there is no connection to
the Stryd. When there are no red corners, DRNG has a ANT-Connection to Stryd.
Okay thanks very much for the reply. I think I have figured out that for some reason my watch is turning off the Power sensor in my Run/Trail-Run activity profiles. I've noticed that Garmin will sometimes just turn-off sensors like HRMs and I think it's happening here too. Since I have been paying attention and making sure that Stryd is not just connected as a FP but also a Power Meter, I haven't had this issue.
The tip for looking for the red corners will help alot because I shouldn't have to dive into the Sensors menu to check now if the Red corners method will do that for me. Thanks again.