App: Hike2

The next generation of the Hike app. With additional memory and sensors on the vivoactive HR, all be looking at adding new stuff. Right now, it makes use of the hardware compass and barometric Altimeter!

Like Hike, it's stats up and once it gets GPS, press start to begin the recording. There are then a number of screens you can swipe through to see data, like time-distance, pace-speed, altitude data, lat/lon data, and a chart that shows your hike so far. Pressing the back button while recording marks a waypoint, and pressing start pauses the recording, and gives you the option to resume, save, or discard the recording.

To learn about some of the basic functionaly here, see the thread for the initial version:

Please post questions and problems here.
  • Activity Stats - List of Activities (make a Hiking group?)

    Just used Hike/2 for the first time today. It is very useful and informative. After sync'ing it to my iPhone... when I look on the "Activity Stats" page... I thought a new group for "Hiking" would have been displayed. After a bit of looking around, I found the Hike Activity in the "All Activities".

    Is there a way to create a group for "Hiking" and all the hikes I save would be located in this group?
  • Hi Jim,

    a 735 user here. I'm using the latest build I believe. When I pause/stop Hike2 (but don't save - like maybe I stop in a coffee shop mid walk) I get recovery heart rate every few minutes whilst paused. Anyway to stop this? Either I'd like it only once, or you could actually get rid of it as far as I'm concerned as I only use that metric when running.


  • CW - that's a function of the firmware, and I have no control of it. In a standard app (like run) the same thing happens. It seems to be 2 minutes after a pause (recording is stopped, but not saved)

    When you see the screen, press back, and you'll be able to resume again.
  • Just used Hike/2 for the first time today. It is very useful and informative. After sync'ing it to my iPhone... when I look on the "Activity Stats" page... I thought a new group for "Hiking" would have been displayed. After a bit of looking around, I found the Hike Activity in the "All Activities".

    Is there a way to create a group for "Hiking" and all the hikes I save would be located in this group?

    That would be a function of Garmin Connect Mobile. You might ask in that forums to see if they can add this functionality.
  • Hi Jim,

    a 735 user here. I'm using the latest build I believe. When I pause/stop Hike2 (but don't save - like maybe I stop in a coffee shop mid walk) I get recovery heart rate every few minutes whilst paused. Anyway to stop this? Either I'd like it only once, or you could actually get rid of it as far as I'm concerned as I only use that metric when running.



    For other's, here's what was happening -

    RHR is only being displayed once after a couple of minutes as it should. But in both Hike and Hike2, the default setting is that every 5 minutes when paused, the watch vibrates to remind you that it's paused (in case you start moving after a rest break and forget to resume).

    In app settings for Hike and Hike 2, you can configure how often this happens - every 5 minutes, every 10 minutes, or never.

    Sorry for the confusion!
  • Battery life

    Jim! Great work man...

    I'm curious if it is possible to creat a super low power mode in your app for 10+ day excursions.
    Would it be possible to change the gps update frequency to something like every one minute to conserve power?

    Thanks again!
  • I actually did some testing of a "low power" mode where GPS would only fire up every few minutes, but it didn't work. There was no GPS data in the .fit when doing that (or none that's usable by Garmin Connect, and it also seems to result in screwy distance, speed, etc.

    For 10 days, what I'd suggest is do each day separately and charge night. I use a battery based cell phone charge if I'm out and about. With these watches, you can actually charge while recording (Hike continues to run), so for 10 days, maybe even a solar charger, so you can keep the battery topped off while you're hiking? Or maybe use a solar charger to charge up the battery based cell phone charger so you can charge after dark?

    With the battery cell phone charger, when I stop for a break, I just have Hike paused and connect the charger..
  • I get so many emails that I have my 735XT set to 'Do Not Disturb', but whenever I'm using Hike2 I get the notifications repeatedly. Even if I dismiss a notification, it will come back again a couple of minutes later. Is there a way to turn off these notifications when using Hike2?
  • That's something controlled by the FW, so there may be a setting in the FW for it.

    On some watches for example, under "settings>Bluetooth>Smart Notifications", you can set "not during activities". Not sure if this is available (or something like it) on the 735 though.

    As far as why you get the same one's over and over, that may be something with GCM on your phone. I recall seeing something about this with iPhones in general (I have Android so I've never seen it)
  • That's something controlled by the FW, so there may be a setting in the FW for it.

    On some watches for example, under "settings>Bluetooth>Smart Notifications", you can set "not during activities". Not sure if this is available (or something like it) on the 735 though.
    Thanks. That might be it. I switched this to 'off'.

    As far as why you get the same one's over and over, that may be something with GCM on your phone. I recall seeing something about this with iPhones in general (I have Android so I've never seen it)
    I have Android too. What's GCM? This may be moot since I expect "settings>Bluetooth>Smart Notifications>Off" will resolve this issue. Thanks!