App: Hike2

The next generation of the Hike app. With additional memory and sensors on the vivoactive HR, all be looking at adding new stuff. Right now, it makes use of the hardware compass and barometric Altimeter!

Like Hike, it's stats up and once it gets GPS, press start to begin the recording. There are then a number of screens you can swipe through to see data, like time-distance, pace-speed, altitude data, lat/lon data, and a chart that shows your hike so far. Pressing the back button while recording marks a waypoint, and pressing start pauses the recording, and gives you the option to resume, save, or discard the recording.

To learn about some of the basic functionaly here, see the thread for the initial version:

Please post questions and problems here.
  • Simple answer - you can't.  The only way to get waypoints is to mark them yourself when you are at a specific place.  They will then be remembered the  next time you hike the same area,

  • Noticed something that might be a bug or an issue with the Venu SQ. I have set the watch (and the Connect app) to metric, but the altitude inside Hike 2+ displays in feet. I don't have a separate setting for altitude as the Venu SQ lacks barometer. Another app - dwMap has the same issue, but the custom altitude data field from CIQ shows the altitude correctly in meters. So it might be possible to fix for the SQ in future releases? Or is there an easier fix?

  • It uses the setting for elevation units on the watch for this (I went back to check the code) for this.  On devices without a baro, you'll find the what you see on the watch can be pretty far off (GPS for this isn't great for elevation).  On devices without a baro, Garmin Connect uses elevation correction to make the data closer to real.  

  • Thanks for the quick reply. I think the GPS altitude on the watch is close enough. Here is what I found with some testing:

    • altitude data field on Venu SQ (downloaded from CIQ) - 564.4 meters
    • dwMap Altitude on Venu SQ - 1919 (no units indication)
    • Hike 2+ on Venu SQ- Elev: 1855' - indicating feet
    • iPhone compass app (with hardware barometer) - 560m
    • Connect app on phone - elevation profile is again around 560m

    To me even +/- 30m vertical deviation is good enough if I want to roughly see my progress and I know I'm climbing 200-300m+ total.

    The problem is it is displayed in feet, not meters on the watch and I have no way of changing this on my Garmin due to their decision to exclude elevation units from the settings menu :( So I was wondering if there is a way to add some code that checks if distance is set to metric and if unit is Venu SQ and then to alter the elevation units from feet to meters in app?

    This is the data field that does it correctly on the Venu SQ:

    One can always roughly divide by 3 to get the meters, but it isn't always convenient. In any case, your app is amazing and packed with great functionality. 

  • In tests I ran with both a watch with a baro and one without, the baro show a change of 40' (with was close) while the non baro, 400'  That's why GC applies the correction to non-baro watches

    I'll consider using distance units in an app setting, but the reality is these days there are few watches without a baro.  In the current generation, the Venu sq is the only one

  • Since my last update of the app on my Vivoactive 4s, I have not been able to secure a GPS location at the start of a hike.  I have powered the watch off and on but the GPS doesn't start up.  Is there something else I need to do?  Thank you.

  • Try rebooting the watch by holding the upper button for about 20 seconds and the watch turns itself off.  Then turn it back on.

    Also, try syncing with Garmin Express on a mac/pc to make sure your GPS prediction files are up to date.

  • Have tried both.  My software version is 7.20.  I had done the software update with Garmin Express first and then the other apps that need updating were updated.  Once I wasn't getting the GPS on hike2+ then I powered off the watch.  Do I need to repeat the steps and if so which order?  Thanks so much for the quick reply.

  • I uninstalled and reinstalled; now it's working.  Thanks.