App: Hike2

The next generation of the Hike app. With additional memory and sensors on the vivoactive HR, all be looking at adding new stuff. Right now, it makes use of the hardware compass and barometric Altimeter!

Like Hike, it's stats up and once it gets GPS, press start to begin the recording. There are then a number of screens you can swipe through to see data, like time-distance, pace-speed, altitude data, lat/lon data, and a chart that shows your hike so far. Pressing the back button while recording marks a waypoint, and pressing start pauses the recording, and gives you the option to resume, save, or discard the recording.

To learn about some of the basic functionaly here, see the thread for the initial version:

Please post questions and problems here.
  • I've never heard of this on any device, and just tried myself on a Venu sq.

  • When the watch vibrates, does it say it's autosaving, do you see that on the display, or do you just see the Garmin triangle or the watch face?  That would indicate the firmware crashing.  What version of firmware are you running on the venu sq?

  • Good afternoon Jim. I downloaded Hike 2+ after finding it on the Garmin app web page. I was looking for a walking app because I did not care for the native running app on my 375XT. I have only used it twice but I am impressed. I am familiar with all Garmin GPS products requiring time to find themselves in 3D. My watch is pretty quick initializing with your app when I am in my driveway away from the house and below an open sky. The more I learn about Hike2+'s functionality, the more I'll enjoy using it. I left you something for a cold one or two on PayPal. Thank you for the app.

  • I live in Phoenix and it will hit 100F any time now, so the cold one will come in handy Beers  Glad you like it!

    You can set the app to record the activity as a Hike or a Walk prior to starting recording and there will be a "H" or "W" as part of the version number of the first screen to indicate which you are doing

  • Former Member
    Former Member over 2 years ago

    Hey! So I just bought a Garmin Venu on the cheap (er), and I found it strange there was no hike option. Your app solves that! My big question is, what should I expect the battery drain to be like (with save battery enabled)? Also, on the Venu, there is a thing on the top that says "Hike 2.77H," and a number on the bottom that constantly shifting but reads around "70hr." What do these things stand for? Is the bottom number a battery life approximation?

    I appreciate your help. My email is [email protected]. You can reach me there. Thank you and I hope to hear from you soon!

  • The 2.77 is the version number and H indicates you are recording a hike vs a walk.

    The number on the bottom (70hr) is your heart rate.  If you have a Tempe sensor, you'll see the temperature next to that.

  • Former Member
    Former Member over 2 years ago in reply to jim_m_58

    Thank you!

  • Great app, I love it!

    Got a Vivoactive 4, and I use Hike2+ to track my hikes.

    However, on long hikes, the battery dies, even on "Save Battery" mode. and when starting from a full charge.

    I was wondering if an "auto-screen-off" feature or a "Super-Save Battery" mode, is possible to implement, to save the battery life.

    thanks for the efforts!

  • You'' probably see the same thing even with a native activity like "walk".  One thing you can do is bring a battery based charger and the cable, and when you stop for a break, pause the recoding, take off the watch, and plug it in.  With that, you should get a much longer battery life

  • How to downliad waypoints into gpx track?