PSX-6 less or more



  • There are to many colours, can I switch them off?
    Yes, put - (MINUS SIGN) before first number in custom colours property in settings e.g: -0xFFFF00;0x550000;
  • What the number figure after the location (in field above time) stands for?
    This is the information (in minutes) of how old the weather data is.
  • Can I show seconds?
    Yes, go to settings and choose in [AOS] seconds (or colon or hide). Not all device support AOS (e.g. fr735 and amoled in AOD).
  • Why does weather is not updated when GPS is changed?
    Weather is updated every 30' so if you see e.g. Location 12'  it means next update will be done after 18 minutes and GPS can change many times during this period but the latest one will be used to fetch weather.
  • Location name is incorrect. Why?
    First of all, it doesn't have to be the your location name! It's not reverse geocoding of you position. WF takes your GPS-X, sending to OWM which searches for nearest weather station and returns GPS-Y and any description (probably text that owner of weather station was put into it's device). So I don't have any influence on Y and name it should be used only for estimation of correct weather data.
  • Can I switch off flashing data/icons?
    Yes you can but not ALLgo to settings and uncheck option [Show time/pending data].
  • What to do when WF starts to work badly or differently than usual or crash?
    Check and if is the new version of WF install it. Check and if is the new firmware for watch install.
  • What exactly does "Change colour AUTO" mean in the settings?
    When this option is ON and there is correct sun event time, WF automatically change background to white (day - light theme) or black (night - dark theme) and apply theme colour from build in or custom according to settings in [Theme colour].

How to:

  • change watch face's (WF) settings (units, theme colour, AOS etc.)?
    You may not see some properties e.g. 12/24 time format, temperature - this properties are read from WATCH SETTINGS so you have to setup it IN WATCH - not in WF (check watch's user guide):
    • from external apps - read wiki;
    • directly on watch (not all properties) - GO to menu where you choose watch faces, ACCEPT PSX-6 WF, CHOOSE from menu settings/customise;
  • use biorhythm DF?
    First go to settings and in [Days to birth since 1950-1-1] property put correct number (e.g. if you born 1970-1-1 the number should be 7305) then choose in any wider DF (need more space for label) biorhythm.
    Label - 3 numbers, first physical (23-day cycle), second emotional (28) and third intellectual (33). Number is from -9 to 9, where e.g. -9 means that value in cycle is between -100% and -90%, 0 means between -10% and +10% (critical) and 7 between 70% and 80%. Progress and colour refer in 80% to physical and 10% to emotional and intellectual but always is violet if any of cycle is critical. Read more here.
  • read probability of precipitation (POP)?
    There are 3 values for 3 periods separated by a colon or - when no data (e.g. [2 : - : 0] means [20% ≤ POP < 30% : no data in period : POP < 10%];
    Periods last 3 full hours (00:00-03:00, 03:00-06:00 ...) but first one can be shorter e.g. if you get data at 14:15 it means periods are 14:15-15:00 15:00-18:00 18:00-21:00);
    POP is shown when value in any period is ≥ 20%.
  • use custom theme colour?
    Go to settings and first choose [Custom colours...] in property [Theme colour], than put 2 hex values( e.g. 0xFFFF00;0x550000;) of colours for dark and light theme. You can find hex values of colours for your device here.
  • obtain OpenWeatherMap private key (OWMk)? Follow this steps:
  • change theme?
    Enter number of theme in settings, SAVE settings and QUIT (to widgets/apps/watch settings/etc.) and RETURN to WF (theme is applied WHEN WF STARTS);
  • reset or mark % battery for consumption battery in solar DF?
    You can use 2 points to observe battery consumption. To reset it GO to on wacth settings for WF. and PRESS [Reset bat.]  to reset both points or  PRESS [Marker bat.] to reset only second point; You SHOULD reset % battery after every charging.
  • uninstall app?
    When you have problem with update/uninstall WF - go to settings and switch off [Download remote data] and SAVE settings. Wait about 6 minutes and there should be no any problems following standard procedure.
  • solve problem with bad location for weather (or when you see GPS?)?
    Put correct property for GPS in WF's settings:
    • Manual - if you want GPS from values you enter in [ManualGPS lat;lon;] (LATitude;LONgitude;  - remember about 2 semicolons - if you see Globe you probably choose Manual and put 0.0;0.0; or you put bad values);
    • Connect - if you want GPS from phone (according to the settings in Connect App - if you choose phone location (instead of fixed) weather will follows GPS from phone);
    • Activity - if you want GPS from last activity - start activity with GPS (running, walking etc.) wait for green GPS signal, end activity and return to WF;
  • solve problem with "no data" (?, ---, dark grey or dark blue for some devices values/icon)?
    If you can't see data usually means no data from sensors (switch them on in watch settings) or no data from OWM (obtain OWMk or solve problem with GPS); some device doesn't have some sensors (e.g. VenuSq doesn't have barometer so no floors) so it's impossible to show some data - change/hide this DF's;
  • get good values for stress and respiration/breath?
    You have to take care of:
    • good HR samples (good fit to the wrist);
    • correct HR zones (if it can't be read from profile assumes for 40-year-old);
    • correct average 7d resting HR or current resting HR - set correct values in user profile in watch: Settings | User Profile | Heart Rate | Resting HR (set 7/ manual - can't be empty);
  • show MFP -  MyFitnessPal calories (read also about 9xx MFP errors below):
    1. Login to myfitnesspal portal in web browser.
    2. Choose FOOD tab and next Settings.
    3. On the bottom choose “Locked with a key” and enter your KEY.
    4. Remember your link to diary
    5. Logout from MFP!!!!!!!!
    6. Use link from 4. in web browser, enter KEY and you will see what others people who can know link can see.
    7. Again repeat points 1 and 2.
    8. Choose a proper radio button in Diary Sharing:
      A.    choose Public – if you want to make your diary public - required to view MFP calories in WF;
      B.    choose Private/Friends Only/Locked – if you don’t want to make diary public.
    9. If you choose A. you should fill watch face settings:
      •    [MFP] - YOUR_NAME (only name, no any special charakters like spaces, [, ], from 4.);
      •    choose data filed [Calories MFP with activities] or [Calories MFP without activities] to show data.

Errors. Data is downloaded when is older than 30 minutes. If data are not updated for a long time you can see:

  • red/orange/yellow clock icons;
  • always pending requests  [...];
  • sometimes OWM return old data instead of returning errors - so data will be all the time "old";
  • you can see GPS instead of location name (but for some locations there may not be a name);

In case of problem with data (weather, name, MFP...) first:

  • check Bluetooth connection to phone and Internet connection in phone,
  • check errors displayed in name filed and fix problem according to #error.

Errors format |S,E,D| where:
E: error number
D: error details (when available)
S: service:

  • 1: OWM UV
  • 2: OWM pollution
  • 4: OWM weather/location
  • 8: MFP
  • 16: OWM POP

Error numbers:

  • 0: unknown error
  • < 0:, often seen:
    • -300: timeout (request was sent but Connect has no Internet or watch was disconnect from phone)
      -400: bad format of respond or temporary error of service
  • 401: wrong OWM api key (check settings)
  • 404: no web site/server (probably no internet connection)
  • 429: the limit of free calls in OWM has been exceeded (obtain OWM private API key  and put it into app settings)
  • 4xx-5xx:
  • < 600:
  • 9xx: MFP errors (WARNING: when WF catches errors 999-980 it adds * to settings to force user to fix name - data is read in background so there is no other way to inform user about bad settings - you have to fix [MFP] property in settings):
    • 999-998: unauthorized access (rather impossible)
    • 997: user’s MFP diary is not public (read instruction above and fix problem)
    • 996: unknown user in MFP service
    • 989-987: wrong user name (enter correct user name in settings from diary URL – and remove first and last spaces)
    • 979-978: unknown error/exception (rather impossible)
    • 977: temporary service break (try again later)
    • 976-974: MFP returns bad respond (try again later)
  • I've put new version PSX-6 - 2.0
    - added themes (the second theme is LED)
    - settings
    -- reorganization due to new themes (I have to reset it to default - I apologize for the inconvenience)
    -- added possibility to to choose theme on watch (now, you don't need connect/express to change theme)
    -- due to bug settings service settings can't be grouped  (when it'll fixed I'll prepare new version)
    - added DF time to recovery
    - technical update to SDK 4.1.2

  • New version - 3.0
    - added 3rd theme (DFs settings for 2nd and 3rd are the same)
    - added additional 4 DF's for 260x260 and 280x280 devices
    - a lot of optimization

  • New version (3.1.0)
    - showed negative value in active calories DF to notify about the need of activity :)
    - added battery consumption on second page of solar DF (you can reset/mark % battery in WF's settings ON DEVICE)
    - optimization for battery consumption
    - added support for new devices

  • New version - 4.0.0
    - added themes 4 and 5 (like 2 and 3 but with normal font, DFs settings for themes 2-5 are the same)
    - enlarged fonts for some devices
    - technical update to SDK 4.1.4

  • New version (4.1.0)

    - added property to allow show MFP+ like Connect

  • ver. 4.2.x
    - added many date translations

  • Two questions:
    1) is there any image which is explaining which field is which in configuration?
    2) is there a possibility to add the possibility of add some different timezone in the data field? I want to change my face from GearMin that allows me to add 3 timezones, but there is no better face for now that can do that :)

    Milego dnia :)

  • 1) no I'd have to prepare 3 images :) But you don't need it - order depend on place of DF, from left top to right bottom, e.g.
        1           2
    3         4         5
    2) use contact developer link to describe me this feature.

    Miłego takżeSlight smile

  • ver. 4.4.0

    - added support for Venu Sq2

  • Version 4.0.5 & 4.0.6
    -enlarged fonts for 240x240 devices
    -added possibility to switch off colours: put - (MINUS SIGN) before first number in custom colours property e.g: -0xFFFF00;0x550000;
    -added to the humidity DF probability of precipitation (POP), it is shown when value is ≥ 20%.
    -fixed problem with MFP