Watchface: Digital for TactixD and Digital for TactixD v2 Beta

This is forum to streamline questions processing, feature requests, bug reporting and general discussion regarding
Digital for TactixD face:
Digital for TactixD v2 Beta:

Idea behind this face is that the best face is the one which is set exactly as i want it.

*** IMPORTANT: Always include your email if you are contacting me using Contact Developer form. Without it i cannot contact you back as form will come with [email protected] as a sender address.


Why there are so many settings available? It is hard to navigate through them:
Sending watchface user defined parameters such as color, font and screen placement through app settings seems to be the only available option at this moment. Amount of settings is a tax for having many objects available. During time i've found out  there are also problems and limitations coming with amount of settings, therefore version 2 is being in development where at least some of the fields configuration will be simplified.

Why are my settings changes not reflected on WatchFace ?
It seems this issue is tied to Garmin CIQ app which is not able handle huge amount of settings properly. When settings are done through Android/iOS Garmin Mobile app all should work as expected.

Will be there Weather details available ?
Yes, weather is in progress and will be included in v2 version. Currently testing various weather providers APIs and fighting with best details visualization on the screen.

Why is my language not supported i see only squares instead of characters ?
During short life time of this face 26 custom fonts have been already requested and implemented. Fonts consume a lot of available resources, therefore characters are limited to the absolute minimum => english characters and numbers only. Languages with 'special' characters such as czech, russian, japanese etc. cannot be supported until more resources will be available to watch faces. Toggle button "Force English Day/Month Name" to force most exposed fields to english has been implemented instead.

Will more features be implemented ?
Yes, i am adding more features based on incoming requests. Priority is usually set by amount of requests.

  • Having trouble setting sunrise and sunset times as well as week number. Tried inputting my own default lat/long coordinates and switching on “Use default position if activity GPS is not available.” Any suggestions? Current date Jan 1 2021 and watch says Week: 53? Sunrise at night time and sunset in the morning? 

  • Would you share what watch do you have and where do you set unit settings ? It works as expected on mine
    Code is written as follows:
    1.) Prefers temperature units from watch, however in many cases watch actually does not provide this setting to the CIQ app for some reasons therefore ..
    2.) if temp units not received or not available it fallback to elevation units which seems to be available 100%

  • Week is correct, ISO week numbering is used therefore week number 1 is the one with at least 4 days from the new year.

    Regarding sunset/sunrise, best is to get valid GPS fix.
    When adding own lat/lon to settings, keep in mind Cartesian system is being used, meaning:
    - Positive latitude is above the equator (N), and negative latitude is below the equator (S).
    - Positive longitude is east the prime meridian (E), and negative longitude is west the prime meridian (W).

  • Tomulli,

    Thank you for the response! Since writing my comment the watch updated itself to the proper times. And as far as the week 53 issue, thank you for the clarification, I did not take in to account that week one will not officially start until Jan 4th. Thank you again!

  • Perfect wf. 

    Just few personal suggestions:

    1. Weather info text - don't see all helper text on mobile apps in settings, as it's too long, is there any disclaimer fully visible for all options? Found already in history...
    2. HR history graph - possibility to display y-axis with labels too, for max, min, avg. Also would be nice to have option for fixed scale as now it's not obvious from quick look on which numbers you are. You have to check max first. Would like some settings like minY & maxY and then it will display only data in between.
    3. HR history max, min, avg - custom font size settings and positioning 
    4. Battery save mode scheduling for night (from - to)
  • Thank you for all the forum members for their ideas and the author of this great watch face! This is now my all-time favorite!

  • I have a Fenix 5x Plus, I keep getting a pop up about not being compatible with Garmin Weather.  I seem to need to navigate to another widget and back to see the watch face again.  Any thoughts on what I should do?

  • Amazing watch, current favorite for sure.

    Bug report (vivoactive 4): while forecast works perfectly in detailed forecast mode, putting it onto watch face makes every temp. forecast into blank values (--)

    Feature request: it'd be awesome if I could set the 24UTC to my timezone, would be very useful during travel.

    Again, thank you for making this :)

  • Fenix 5 series currently do not support Garmin weather API. Switch off all weather related features and you should be ok. I will meantime restrict weather usage on watches which still dont have this implemented. You may want to hammer Garmin to provide this also to 5 series :).

  • Ok, I didn't think I was using any weather related things but maybe I missed something, I'll double check.