Watchface: Digital for TactixD and Digital for TactixD v2 Beta

This is forum to streamline questions processing, feature requests, bug reporting and general discussion regarding
Digital for TactixD face:
Digital for TactixD v2 Beta:

Idea behind this face is that the best face is the one which is set exactly as i want it.

*** IMPORTANT: Always include your email if you are contacting me using Contact Developer form. Without it i cannot contact you back as form will come with [email protected] as a sender address.


Why there are so many settings available? It is hard to navigate through them:
Sending watchface user defined parameters such as color, font and screen placement through app settings seems to be the only available option at this moment. Amount of settings is a tax for having many objects available. During time i've found out  there are also problems and limitations coming with amount of settings, therefore version 2 is being in development where at least some of the fields configuration will be simplified.

Why are my settings changes not reflected on WatchFace ?
It seems this issue is tied to Garmin CIQ app which is not able handle huge amount of settings properly. When settings are done through Android/iOS Garmin Mobile app all should work as expected.

Will be there Weather details available ?
Yes, weather is in progress and will be included in v2 version. Currently testing various weather providers APIs and fighting with best details visualization on the screen.

Why is my language not supported i see only squares instead of characters ?
During short life time of this face 26 custom fonts have been already requested and implemented. Fonts consume a lot of available resources, therefore characters are limited to the absolute minimum => english characters and numbers only. Languages with 'special' characters such as czech, russian, japanese etc. cannot be supported until more resources will be available to watch faces. Toggle button "Force English Day/Month Name" to force most exposed fields to english has been implemented instead.

Will more features be implemented ?
Yes, i am adding more features based on incoming requests. Priority is usually set by amount of requests.

  • I will test and report, if issues appear

  • Dear Tom, great work with this watch face. Definitely my future favorit! Installed first time few days ago but after recent updates 99.40&99.41 it doesn't work at all on my fenix 6 pro. Uninstalled and installed several times with no setting changed but no success. Hope you will fix this soon as you really deserve support. 

  • What exactly it does please ? Also what SW and CIQ version do you have on the watch (System->about)? In simulator it works fine with 6Pro on both SDK 3.1 and 3.2.

  • Taking it back.Right after I posted my comment face turned on on watch and I am now able to set each parameter again with no issues. Can't say what was the reason, probably something else than your code. Great job. Sending you some beers to your paypal.

  • Hallo, friends! 0.99.43 version, Tactix delta watch. 12.20 firmware. 

    All super, no more any bugs detected. Bravo  Tomulli. Now its watchface Nr1.

  • As most of you now report everything works ok with only few minor issues, i was thinking it may be the right time to introduce some new bugs in order to have more fun during this time :).

    0.99.54 has just been released with included fixes for reported small issues and one new hopefully "interesting thing".

    Although Garmin still does not allow us to use buttons in watchfaces, they at least allowed us to use on-the-watch settings (assuming you have watch on SDK version which can support it). Small appetizer has been just released :). I am looking forward for your ideas what functionality you would like to have implemented using this new option.


  • Tom, maybe sounds crazy, but such a question:. Is it possibility to change standart face to weather face and back with gesture? Option like screensaver or light on

    I mean to cwith to this face with hand gesture


  • Buttons would be perfect... but garmin restrictions...

  • In theory it is, i've already tried it but did not find way how to implement it reliably and with user comfort.Gestures are unpredictable and also Garmin use them itself for switching from low power to high power (each second calculation) mode. If there will be bigger demand and a lot of will to test we may give it another try.

  • Dear, Tom. New option i tried, looks amazing. But access very inconvenient. Too many taps. I understand, it is again Garmin problem. Is it really no way to tweak garmin protocols and to set up BACK button to switch between screens?

    In this case i hope, other WF fans would also support to try to use gesture. Maybe it is possible also calibration of gesture strength avoid phantom switches?