Weather Underground widget

Available in the app store! For the vivoactive and new forerunners!

This will provide access to data from thousands of weather stations in the "Weather Underground". Only tested in the US, but I understand it's available in many other locations.

Not just the weather in your town, but it could be your own back yard, if you have a weather station connected to WU!

To use this widget, you WILL NEED an "APIKEY" from WU. You can get one for no cost but only if if have a weather station that sends data to WU,

Many of the following posts are for the old version of this widget which is no longer available, so check at the end for info on the new version.

  • 2.08 is now in the store and should fix this.
  • It was a matter were I handled a station with less than 6 chars differently than those with more than 6, so it was a case of changing that to 6 or more. This is the first case where I saw one that was exactly 6.
  • Nice story. :-)

    I bet that stations with very short names are related to official places like airport or national meteo service providers, aren’t they?


    Weather Underground has started to disable API KEYS, so it will soon stop working.
    From WU:
    My Weather Underground API key has been disabled. Why?

    The Weather Underground’s API has been retired. Keys have been closed down on a rolling basis since February 15, 2019. It will close down completely shortly. Information about this has been available through the API itself and online for nearly a year.

    You may want to try my Open Weather Maps Widget as a replacement.
  • COMING SOON! A a new version of this widget!

    This one is more restrictive in who can use it, due to new rules from the data provider.

    You can get the new 32 character APIKEY, but ONLY if you have a weather station that sends them data.

    Here's the instructions on getting a new key:
    Hi, Jim!

    First, instructions for getting a new key:

    First, if you are not logged into Weather Underground, you will need to do so. ?You must log in using the same email address as the PWS?. To do that, go to, click on “my profile”, click on “member settings”, and log in if you are not already.

    Then navigate on the screen to My Profile => Member Settings => API Keys.

    If you have a PWS registered, you will see a blank box below “Your API keys”. Agree to the new Terms and Conditions by clicking in the small box next to “I agree”, click on the blue “GENERATE” box, and your new key will be created.

    The key will be masked on the screen, but you can use the “Show” link below the box to see it. There is also another blue box, which, when clicked, copies the key to your clipboard. Also on this page is a link to the documentation.

    If you do not have a PWS registered to your email address, you will not be able to get a key.

    I'm hoping to get the new version published in the coming week!

    It's kind of a hybrid between the original WU Widget and my OWM widget, in that it looks like the OWM one, and on watches that support it, uses a background process to keep the data current (so there's no delay for data when using the widget). As with the first WU widget, it uses a "home" and "current" station, and it's easy to switch to data from home, and also set "current" based on your GPS location (that's one of the parts I'm still working on, so fingers crossed!) right from the widget.
  • This widget has been re-written to use the new Weather Underground API.  Getting an API key is a bit more restricted with the new API, as you must have a weather station that sends it's data to WU to get one.

  • I have just recently downloaded the new version.   I do have a weather underground account and have a weather station connected to WU.   I did get a new APIKey and put that key into the Widget on my phone.  

    But when I try to use the Widget on my watch, I am getting APIKey Required screen.  I have the Garmin Vivoactive 4.



  • User Error:  

    I went back in and pasted the key instead of Typing.  Maybe had a typo.

    It looks to be working now.  Probably a Cut / Paste / Typo issue with the length of the key.  I cut and pasted again and now it seems to be working as expected.  Great work.
