Watch Face: Simple TDB

If you have any suggestions or problems please post it here.


  • Hello, I just installed this Simple TDB, great. I am curious for battery lifetime. 1 question, could be any next 3rd datafield bellow the date, please? I am starting to use it. Thanks. Tomas

  • Hello, I plan to add more options for data field bellow the date in the future. Unfortunately for now I have limited time to my hobbies so I don't know when exactly I'll make some changes. 

  • Hi! Great watch face. Currently I am having issues with my screen blinking/flickering when the watch is dimmed and wrist gesture is activated. Had my watch sent to Garmin to change the screen which did not solve the issue, just got a recertified unit as a replacement now and the issue is still there. 

    Tried changing the watch face now to another, and the issue disappeared. 

    Are there a solution to this? Would prefer to keep this watch face over others. 

    My watch is an epic gen 2. 

  • Thank you for the feedback. I know about the issue. Unfortunately for now I don't know what can cause it. I hove some ideas but don't have enough time to my hobbies. Hope to fix this at the weekend. 

  • I had the same issue when I recently purchased the new S70 (my S62 was fine) and inquired with Garmin tech support. They concluded it was the 3rd party watch face. I played around with settings and the issue disappeared when I turned off "always on" display. 

    Love the face TomekCzer; have used it exclusively for years. Thanks for taking the time to build and support these faces. 

  • Hello !

    Thanks for your excellent work. 

    Since around ont month, this doesn't work anymore. I have a fenix 6S pro. Is it normal ? 

    Have a nice day !