If you have any suggestions or problems please post it here.
If you have any suggestions or problems please post it here.
Hi there. I would like to thank you for your work and could you please add one more thing in there. I need a weather information so I will appreciate it. Thanks one more time. Best regards
Hi, how can i put colon between the date?
I also would like to have the current temperature as an option to display.
Hello Tomek, thank you for your answer. I think the two data fields above the time (battery and steps on my watch) can be moved a bit up, there is still a little space left to the edge of the display. Then the time can be moved too. There will still be space for that little DND moon. Apart from this I like this watchface very much. Not cluttered and easy to read.
when I try to download to my fenix 6 Pro, it says "This app requires an update of your fenix 6 Pro / Sapphire."
But I use the very latest software. I've already tried to reconnect, restart, Bluetooth off/on, but the issue still persist. What should I do?
Best regards