If you have any suggestions or problems please post it here.
If you have any suggestions or problems please post it here.
Hi there. I would like to thank you for your work and could you please add one more thing in there. I need a weather information so I will appreciate it. Thanks one more time. Best regards
Hi, how can i put colon between the date?
I also would like to have the current temperature as an option to display.
Ok, I will try to add it in the next update. Battery will optionally change color when drops to 15 percent.
just got it and wanted to transfer this watch face to that device! Thanks
Hello, I'll add support for Fr 955 in the next update. I'm not sure when exactly, but soon.
Hi. Seems to me that this face crashes, if sun events are set to be displayed, but not expected during the next 24h. Otherwise this face is all that I need and works fine. Vivoactive 3.
Thank you for the feedback. I'll check it.