If you have any suggestions or problems please post it here.
If you have any suggestions or problems please post it here.
Hi there. I would like to thank you for your work and could you please add one more thing in there. I need a weather information so I will appreciate it. Thanks one more time. Best regards
Hi, how can i put colon between the date?
I also would like to have the current temperature as an option to display.
Hello, I don't see the barometer reading when I turn on that option on Settings. Where would it appear? I have a Fenix 3 HR. Thanks!
On fenix 3 hr you shouldn't see pressure option in the watch face settings. I checked and I don't see it on my tactix bravo (the same as fenix3) also I don't see it on the simulator (fenix 3 hr). So I'm not sure if I understood you correctly. In what settings exactly do you enabled barometer option?
I didn't know that metric doesn't show up on watchfaces for a fenix 3 HR. I can find it deep in secondary screens... it would be nicer to have it handy, thanks for your prompt reply!