If you have any suggestions or problems please post it here.
If you have any suggestions or problems please post it here.
Hi there. I would like to thank you for your work and could you please add one more thing in there. I need a weather information so I will appreciate it. Thanks one more time. Best regards
Hi, how can i put colon between the date?
I also would like to have the current temperature as an option to display.
Great idea! I would like a move bar too.
And I agree, this watch face is perfect for me too.
@TomekCzer - Thank you so much for keep making this face even better.
It should be exactly the same as in the garmin alttitude widget. To update altitude on the watch you can calibrate it with GPS. Go to garmin alttitude widget and choose calibration option with GPS or run an activity and wait for GPS fix.
The watch face get info about unread notification from the watch software and I have no influence on the way it works (or I don't know enough about this). If the watch software think there's unread message the watch face shows the icon.
I mean, there's nothing I can do to help with that.