Watch Face: Simple TDB

If you have any suggestions or problems please post it here.


  • 1. On fr45 it's normal behavior.

    2. The watch face only displays the battery info provided by the watch software. You can try to compare the indications of my watch face with a built-in watch face or any other 3rd party watch face  and if they are different please let me know. I don't have fr 45 so I can't check it myself. On the simulator everything looks good.

  • Tried this watch face last week and really like it for the most part.
    I've uninstalled for now due to the increased battery consumption that I've seen others mention in reviews. If that can be fixed, it would be pretty much perfect.

    The only niggle I've found is that the seconds display sometimes eats into the minutes display.

    I have it set to 24hr display with a leading zero and if the time has digits that take up a lot of space, e.g. 08:08 then the minutes overlap with the seconds.

    This is using a Vivoactive 4.

  • Thank you for the feedback. I'll try fix the seconds displaying in the next update.

    For now I don't know what's causing battery drain in some cases but I hope I'll fix it soon.

  • Just a few hints regarding the seconds/minutes overlap - I also have a Vivoactive 4 but not the problem, as I do not use the colon ":" between hours and minuts.

    Regarding the power consumption I've noticed, that when the seconds are on the display, I have to charge the watch every 4 days (battery level below 15%) (not using the GPS - just showing the watch). When the seconds are not on the display, there may pass up to 7 or 8 days before the battery level goes below 15%.

  • Thank you for the feedback.

  • Hi, I have a question. When I connect the garmin golf app there is no Bluetooth icon shown but it is connected. Only when I also start the connect app as well the icon becomes visible. Is it possible to also show the icon when only garmin golf is started in background? Thanks in advance.

  • Is it possible to have different colors for hours and minutes? 

  • For now it isn't possible. 

  • Okei Blush meant as a suggestion Grinning

  • Every suggestion are welcome Grinning. Different color for minutes and hours is on my TODO list but for now I have to focus on battery usage because some users report that in some cases Simple TDB drains the battery. I didn't notice it on my watch (tactix bravo). Could you please write me about battery life in your case?