If you have any suggestions or problems please post it here.
If you have any suggestions or problems please post it here.
Hi there. I would like to thank you for your work and could you please add one more thing in there. I need a weather information so I will appreciate it. Thanks one more time. Best regards
Hi, how can i put colon between the date?
I also would like to have the current temperature as an option to display.
I have a Swim 2, and the seconds time most of the time doesn't display. I have the seconds activated in the watch face settings. I don't think it is due to the time format being too wide as I've seen the seconds show on the display at times like 21:45 etc. Do you know if this is a Garmin issue or the watch face? Thanks.
On swim2 seconds are displayed on the look at the watch gesture and disappear after 10 seconds. It's ciq1.x device so it doesn't support always on seconds. It's not a bug. On 1.x ciq devices only build in watch face can display the seconds all the time.
Great watch face. Been using it since i bought the watch.
But now i think the new software update messed up several watch faces, i cannot customize them, and it happens with this one as well.
Is this just happening to me or is it really a current issue now? Thanks.