Apparent breaking change with BufferedBitmap: Just simulator or big problem?


I published a watchface a few years ago that relies heavily on BufferedBitmap to allow for optimisation of drawing code.

However, with the last simulator release, it utterly fails for all Instinct devices on the simulator! The reason is that the BufferedBitmap is entirely wiped between each onUpdate call, effectively rendering it utterly useless for my purposes.

I can detect this on the newer Instinct using isCached method, but that doesn't exist on the older Instinct series as they are CIQ3.

Before I simply hardcode Instinct series to always perform a costly redraw, is there either:

a) Any way to specify that I want to retain the BufferedBitmap in memory

b) Detect when the BufferedBitmap has been wiped for devices prior to CIQ4

Frustrated of Dublin

  • Hmm.

    The isCached thing seems to be a distractor: I tried against Approach S50 and that is claiming isCached false too, but the behaviour is what I had expected where previously drawn content is still available in the BufferedBitmap.

    So is it a simulator bug or is it a breaking device change?


    Prior to this SDK, I was able to draw to BufferedBitmap which I keep in memory and redraw from the same BufferedBitmap on next onUpdate

    Now, I can do that with every device _EXCEPT_ Instinct series which wipes BufferedBitmap between onUpdate calls.