Understanding CIQ_LOG

 Hello everyone, I've written a small Data Field app for my Edge 840.
Unfortunately app crashes after an hour or so after I start an activity.

In the app log <prgName>.txt I can't find anything, what could help me really. 
https://developer.garmin.com/connect-iq/core-topics/debugging/ this article states, that in case of crash, the CIQ_LOG.yml will be created.
Only one I get is the .bak ciq_log. However this doesn't really help me too:

Error: Unexpected Type Error
Details: 'Failed invoking <symbol>'
Time: 2024-11-18T08:50:45Z
Part-Number: 006-B4062-00
Firmware-Version: '25.19'
Language-Code: eng
ConnectIQ-Version: 5.0.1
Store-Id: f49a0ab3-2c61-4aba-8da6-24209af844d6
Store-Version: 6
Filename: EBHK5233
Appname: Wind Data Field
- pc: 0x10001b0e
- pc: 0x30000213
- pc: 0x10001a26
- pc: 0x10001c9c
- pc: 0x10001e4e
- pc: 0x100025c7
- pc: 0x10002631
- pc: 0x10000f16
- pc: 0x100007f4
- pc: 0x10001506

in the example in the article the call stacke looks much better:

  - pc: 0x100000ef
    File: 'C:\Path\To\source\File.mc'
    Line: 53
    Function: function_causing_error
  - pc: 0x10000080
    File: 'C:\Path\To\source\File2.mc'
    Line: 30
    Function: otherBrokenItems

So, is there a way to get a helpful call stack in CIQ_LOG file?
Why there's no CIQ_LOG.yml, but only .bak?

btw. I installed my app from the CIQ store as beta app

Thanks a lot in advance