Apps disappeared from store

6 watch faces disappeared form store after update, I have re uploaded even with previous approved versions and Garmin send me this email

An automated scan identified a security threat in the GHOST app.
To access your app submission, make any necessary changes, and re-submit your app for approval, go to:

Garmin's terms of use and the Connect IQ Developer Agreement are available at the following links: and Please contact if you have any questions.

An automated scan identified a security threat in the MACROSS app.
To access your app submission, make any necessary changes, and re-submit your app for approval, go to:

Garmin's terms of use and the Connect IQ Developer Agreement are available at the following links: and Please contact if you have any questions.

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  • I think I found the problem:

    I played a bit with the beta version. It fails scan if edge1050 device is included in it.

  • I've updated different app types with the edge 1050 with no problem.  I'm guessing it's the same for other devs.

    Are you sure you have the current device files installed?

    Have you manually edited the edge 1050 files?  That can mess up getting the latest version, based on the date.

    Try removing the edge 1050 with the SDKManager, and re-installing it.  Then you know it's current

  • No, I haven't touched the files in the Devices/edge1050 folder.

    is it possible this is somehow related to the Prettier Optimizer?

  • is it possible this is somehow related to the Prettier Optimizer

    If you're using the post build optimizer, then yes, I suppose so. There may be some edge case that's only triggered by your app on edge1050, when it's run through the post build optimizer. Garmin's signature check is known to be a little odd, for example (its unlikely to be *that* problem, because it gets a very clear "Signature Check Failed" error, and I think you said yours is failing silently).

    You said you can't turn the optimizer off because some older devices won't fit; but if you're experimenting with turning devices on and off anyway, can you test a build that just has edge1050, and build it with and without the post build optimizer, and see if the store accepts it?

    If you can confirm that its the optimizer, I'll probably need an unoptimized .iq file containing the 1050 build to debug it...

  • OK, it's "easier": the monkeys (no prettier optimizer involved) build of edge1050 also gets this:

    So it's definitely a bug in the SDK 7.2.1 and/or the scanner of the store. I'm sending a debug log to

  • What do you see if you look at the prg file for the 1050 in the IQ file?

  • Looks OK. It also runs on the simulator. It's not that something is totally missing.

  • If you've not tried it yet, I'd try using the sdkmanager to delete the edge1050 device and then reinstall it.

    It could be there was something odd when you installed it you didn't notice and it was something that doesn't impact the sim.

    It's a quick test.  And seems to be unique to you.

    You are using 7.2.1, correct? Win or mac?

  • Mac, SDK 7.2.1, all devices up-to-date, deleted already edge1050 and redownloaded. Nothing changed. Looks like this is a real bug. 270 other devices work, only edge1050 doesn't. And it's not even related to the prettier optimizer. So it's a Garmin compiler vs Garmin security scanner issue.

  • But why does it seem to not impact others?

    Have you tried a different app?  Could it be specific to the app you are trying?