drawRadialText on BufferedBitmaps?

Hello Friends,

I'm exploring the changes available in 6.2.0, and it seems that attempting to drawRadialText to the Dc of a BufferedBitmap fails silently. 

In the code I've written, using the regular Dc paints the radial text as expected. (See below)

Switching over to the Dc retrieved from a BufferedBitmap (via bb.getDc()) causes the text not to appear.

Is this expected behavior, or did I not set up the BufferedBitmap correctly to work with radial text / scalable fonts?

I've reviewed this forum post and didn't find any relevant answers pertaining to using a BufferedBitmap:

The documentation doesn't list any limitations.  In fact, it suggests all methods on the ordinary Dc should work on buffered bitmaps, too:

"This returns a Dc class that has the same capabilities as the primary device Dc that is provided to the methods View.onLayout(), View.onUpdate(), and View.onPartialUpdate()."

I've tried a few variations in the createBufferedBitmap call and some other configurations for the 

:alphaBlending=>Graphics.ALPHA_BLENDING_FULL -> Doesn't help
setBlendMode(Graphics.BLEND_MODE_ADDITIVE); -> Doesn't help
setAntiAlias(true); -> Doesn't help