over 1 year ago

drawRadialText / drawAngledText fail to draw to BufferedBitmap with ALPHA_BLENDING_FULL

Hello, Friends,

On AMOLED screens, drawRadialText and drawAngledText fail to draw anything on a BufferedBitmap when it has been initialized with the alphaBlending property as Graphics.ALPHA_BLENDING_FULLThis seems to be a bug because the behavior is inconsistent between MIPs and AMOLED screens. This seems to work properly on MIPs screen devices.

When the BufferedBitmap is initialized as :alphaBlending => Graphics.ALPHA_BLENDING_PARTIAL, then drawRadialText and drawAngledText  both work.  However, this isn't a viable workaround because then it is not possible to use setFill and draw shapes with partial transparency.  It's an either-or scenario with these modern CIQ technologies.

I expect that the behavior should be consistent between MIPS and AMOLED devices, and it should be possible to use drawRadialText and drawAngledText on a BufferedBitmap with any :alphaBlending option.

In addition, this doesn't seem to just be a VectorFont issue.  I can reliably use drawText for regular horizontal text drawing with a VectorFont in both values for alphaBlending on a BufferedBitmap.

Further, I have confirmed this isn't related to the background color.  I've set multiple colors as the background color, and the outcome is the same (including transparent / non-transparent backgrounds).

Finally, I've tried to use setFill and setStroke to set different colors.  Neither seems to help.

Please see relevant discussion from the forums here:

drawRadialText on BufferedBitmaps?

Here's a visual showing ALPHA_BLENDING_FULL.

  • The Date window text isn't getting painted at all
  • The "MOVENDO" text on the bottom isn't getting painted at all
  • BUT the "shadows" are now painted below the hour and minute hands (they're subtle, but they're important details)
    (The second hand is not painted to Buffered Bitmap, it is painted directly to the DC, so it always has a shadow)
(I attempted native upload, but the forums complained about quota restrictions for my two small screenshots)

Here's a visual showing ALPHA_BLENDING_PARTIAL.

  • The Date window text is painted at an angle
  • The "MOVENDO" text on the bottom shows up
  • BUT the "shadows" aren't painted below the hour and minute hands
    (The second hand is not painted to Buffered Bitmap, it is painted directly to the DC, so it always has a shadow)
(I attempted native upload, but the forums complained about quota restrictions for my two small screenshots)

Further details:

  • SDK: 6.4.1
  • Building for Epix Gen 2 (non-pro), but it seems to be any AMOLED screen