Watchface compiled with 4.2.1 cannot read bodybattery on a real device

As the title, I just compiled my watchface with SDK4.2.1. However some users told me the body battery became in-readable on their real devices. Everything works fine in my simulator.  Do you have similar issues?

  • You said, there was no difference between memory consumption between 4.1.7 and 4.2.1.

    I have rather big difference (3600 bytes in <data>) in my widget:

    - no any additional permission

    - glance annotation only for app class, glance view (extends UII.GlanceView) and 2 global function from 5

    I've shown 2 memory monitor when app starts in glance mode:

    - for fr265 using 4.2.1

    - epix but the same is for fr945 so you can test it because this device hasn't updated, compiled 4.1.7

    And please show the analogical  2 screenshot from your app.

  • I posted a screen shot from the sim, and the view memory.  I don't know what you mean by "analogical 2"?  The about window?

    The screen shot for view memory was for the 265 with the 4.2.1 SDK, and 

    project.typecheck = 0
    project.optimization = 2
    in the monkey.jungle
  • show the 2nd screenshot 4.1.7 and fr945

  • 945 with 4.1.7

    945 with 4.2.1

  • very very strange... so I've wasted my time and have found bug...

    - take SensorHistory from examples

    - change type app to widget

    - modify a bit

    // Copyright 2016 by Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries.
    // Subject to Garmin SDK License Agreement and Wearables
    // Application Developer Agreement.
    using Toybox.Application;
    using Toybox.WatchUi;
    class SensorHistoryApp extends Application.AppBase {
        function initialize() {
        // onStart() is called on application start up
        function onStart(state) {
        // onStop() is called when your application is exiting
        function onStop(state) {
        // Return the initial view of your application here
        function getInitialView() {
            var view = new SensorHistoryBaseView();
            var delegate = new SensorHistoryBaseDelegate();
            return [ view, delegate ];
        function getGlanceView() 
    		return [new WatchUi.GlanceView()];

    run app in 4.2.1

    - add scope glance to

        <string id="AppName" scope="glance">SensorHistory</string>

    and run again

  • I wonder what it's loaded into data segment? 5kB of prg? There is no 5kB of resources on this project. maybe 5kB of zeroes.

  • So, going back to the main subject of this thread, now that a bug report has been filed, what are usually the next steps?

  • find a workaround that you can use in the next 2 years, until it will be fixed

  • Sucks, specifically for the users :-(

  • Yes, the problem with ciq is it usually have not only one bug and somebody starts from one thing and there are 6 of 7 pages in other than subject...

    Workaround is - don't use 4.2.1, all thing with system6 are still bugged and unusable - let's wait for not beta/alfa 4.XX.YY version