As the title, I just compiled my watchface with SDK4.2.1. However some users told me the body battery became in-readable on their real devices. Everything works fine in my simulator. Do you have similar issues?
As the title, I just compiled my watchface with SDK4.2.1. However some users told me the body battery became in-readable on their real devices. Everything works fine in my simulator. Do you have similar issues?
Sorry for my ambigous description.
A user just reported the same issue on his FR55 with my app.
I don't own the FR55 device, but user says that Body Battery stopped working after the app update (which used 4.2.1 SDK), so it is consistent with findings. li2niu🏃🏻, did you submit a bug report?
I remember someone asked in the last 2 weeks about fr55 and BB. And I checked in the documentation and it's not very clear wether fr55 has body battery or not (different pages show different answers) Though it's clear from what you write that the real fr55 at least until 2 weeks ago did have BB
I have just opened a thread about API level issues in simulator:
FR55 might be one of the devices with issue where real device has higher API than simulator. It doesn't explain the issue in this thread, but it might be related.