Is there a way to look into the fonts?

Is there a way to "look" into the fonts? Either by reading the cft files in the SDK (listing their content about which characters it contains, the size of the characters, etc) or by displaying them (and I hope you won't tell me to look at them by displaying text in the devices in the simulator)

Also: how much the cft fonts used by the simulator can be "trusted" to make decisions regarding the real devices' fonts?

  • i.e where does cft-font-info search for "bitstreamVeraSans 16"

    In the Fonts directory... ie ~/Library/Application Support/Garmin/ConnectIQ/Fonts, or whatever, depending on platform.

    I don't think you'll get very far with Garmin though. Those fonts are there for their simulator to use. They don't document them in any way, and the format seems to be something they invented, and haven't published.