Always on display (sleep mode) behaviour and rules on newer AMOLED watches

I'm wondering about Always on display (sleep mode) behaviour and rules on newer AMOLED watches (Epix Gen 2, Venu 2, and Marq Gen 2 etc) compared to the older Venu and Venu Square devices.  Is the display technology or behaviour or rules different?  Someone showed me a photo of their always on display on a Marq Gen 2 for an analog watchface, and it looks almost the same brightness as high power mode, with adjacent pixels on. (not using a checkerboard mask).  I said that I suspect that it violates Garmin AMOLED burn-in rules and it would likely turn off after a while.  But they say that the display doesn't turn off.

Do the rules of no more than 10% of pixels on and no pixel on for more than 1 minute still apply for these watches?   Or can the user override the burn-in protection (display shutdown) functionality somehow using settings?  Is the display technology different such that the colors are more vivid in sleep mode?

I don't have one of these watches to investigate this myself.