Eclipse support

Does Garmin do not support eclipse anymore?? i´m trying to reinstall on a mac with high sierra and when i install the plug in from

it shows this:

The operation cannot be completed.  See the details.

Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.

  Software being installed: Connect IQ SDK Manager 4.1.2 ( 4.1.2)

  Missing requirement: Connect IQ 4.1.2 (IQ_IDE 4.1.2) requires 'osgi.bundle; org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.ui 3.18.0' but it could not be found

  Cannot satisfy dependency:

    From: Connect IQ Sdk Manager 4.1.2 (IQ_SdkManager 4.1.2)

    To: osgi.bundle; IQ_IDE 0.0.21

  Cannot satisfy dependency:

    From: Connect IQ SDK Manager 4.1.2 ( 4.1.2)

    To: org.eclipse.equinox.p2.iu; IQ_SdkManager [4.1.2,4.1.2]

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  • Actually I'm not sure if the build target thing is a bug or a feature. Last week I opened another VSC window and started a new all, and I was struggling to test it in the simulator with a few devices because it remembered the 1st device I tried and didn't let me chose or switch to any other device. After about an hour I figured if I copy the .vscode/launch.json from my previous project to the new one then it works (it asks which device I'd like to run on every time I rum or debug). So even though I do have to hit an extra enter, it is still a feature to me compared to what I had during that hour that I wasted :)

    Speaking of which, my .vscode/launch.json for a random project looks like this:

        // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
        // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
        // For more information, visit:
        "version": "0.2.0",
        "configurations": [
                "type": "monkeyc",
                "request": "launch",
                "name": "Run App",
                "prg": "${workspaceFolder}${pathSeparator}bin${pathSeparator}${workspaceFolderBasename}.prg",
                "prgDebugXml": "${workspaceFolder}${pathSeparator}bin${pathSeparator}${workspaceFolderBasename}.prg.debug.xml",
                "stopAtLaunch": false,
                "device": "${command:GetTargetDevice}"
                "type": "monkeyc",
                "request": "launch",
                "name": "Run Tests",
                "prg": "${workspaceFolder}${pathSeparator}bin${pathSeparator}test_${command:GetTargetDevice}_${workspaceFolderBasename}.prg",
                "prgDebugXml": "${workspaceFolder}${pathSeparator}bin${pathSeparator}test_${command:GetTargetDevice}_${workspaceFolderBasename}.prg.debug.xml",
                "runTests": true,
                "device": "${command:GetTargetDevice}"

    I can change the "device" key to hardcode which device is built, if I really want to build the same device every time, without being prompted. e.g.


    "device": "${command:GetTargetDevice}"


    "device": "fr945lte"

    As you pointed out, if I delete launch.json:

    - When I press F5 (Run), I'm only prompted for the device the first time for each session. Subsequent runs use the last device that was built, without prompting. So that explains the problem you were seeing. Of course you could've worked around that by first executing Build Current Project whenever you wanted to switch devices, but that's kind of a pain.

    Either way, the Build Current Project command always prompts you for build target, although it does default to the last device that was built.

  • add

    in "help -> install new Software"

    (don't install anything.. just add it)

    then add and install

    this solved this error message.

    at least for me ( ubuntu 22.04, eclipse 2022.6, connectIQ 4.1.2,openjdk 11.0.15)

    hope it helped...

  • WOOW!! GENIUS now my loved eclpse works again, thanks a lot man!

  • totally agree i do not like vs code at all

  • totally agree i do not like vs code at all

    I mean that's fair, everybody has their preferences. I've used both Eclipse and VS Code on a daily basis for work and I know which one I like better. I do see that Eclipse is actually getting new features which exist in other IDEs like Intellij, so I was wrong when I said development on it is basically dead.

    But we have to accept that Garmin doesn't really support Eclipse anymore (e.g. they removed references to Eclipse on their dev website).

    You might want to upvote the answer that @3154761 gave here:

    That way it will be more visible to people casually browsing this thread. (Sorry I contributed to muddying the thread up :/)

  • Whatever tis does, it works. Thank you friend!

  • I was planning on switching to VScode from Eclipse on Ubuntu 20.04, but I must say that the simulator-performance for Eclipse has improved lately and I am taking my time now to switch. For casual hobby-programming in CIQ Eclipse isn't that bad.

    For python however I prefer VScode.

  • This post is quite old, but I still have the same question:

    Is there still an Eclipse Plugin to work with Garmin ?

    the URL returns not found.

    (and I do not want to restart the discussion if VS Code or Eclipse is better)

  • (and I do not want to restart the discussion if VS Code or Eclipse is better)

    “You can’t always get what you want.”

    Garmin isn’t providing one any longer. 

    (And which one is “better” is a moot question since only one of them is supported.)

  • That's a pity, but at least I can stop looking for the download ;-) Thanks for clarifying.