Eclipse support

Does Garmin do not support eclipse anymore?? i´m trying to reinstall on a mac with high sierra and when i install the plug in from

it shows this:

The operation cannot be completed.  See the details.

Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.

  Software being installed: Connect IQ SDK Manager 4.1.2 ( 4.1.2)

  Missing requirement: Connect IQ 4.1.2 (IQ_IDE 4.1.2) requires 'osgi.bundle; org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.ui 3.18.0' but it could not be found

  Cannot satisfy dependency:

    From: Connect IQ Sdk Manager 4.1.2 (IQ_SdkManager 4.1.2)

    To: osgi.bundle; IQ_IDE 0.0.21

  Cannot satisfy dependency:

    From: Connect IQ SDK Manager 4.1.2 ( 4.1.2)

    To: org.eclipse.equinox.p2.iu; IQ_SdkManager [4.1.2,4.1.2]

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  • You can't use Visual Studio Code on the Mac?

    IQ on Eclipse is going away (sooner or later).

  • when i export on visual studio i have to restart to export another project, it´s so slow

  • Restart what? Visual Studio Code? What's slow?

    In Windows, opening another project is fast enough. Exporting a project (to create the IQ file) takes a while but I don't have to do that very often.

    Given that Eclipse is a dead-end, you aren't going to find many people wanting to take the time help you get it to work.

  • i have vs installed and working but when i export one project and then i want to export another, i have to restart vs because it keeps the recent project, how can i remove recent projects??

  • I might not be following you quite right.

    Exporting (building the IQ file you upload to the IQ store) is done for the project/folder that is currently open in Visual Studio Code.

    If I want to export a different project, I open up the folder for that other project (File -> Open Folder or File -> Open Recent).

  • simple as that, i open a workspace with multiple projects and then i export one and i can export other until i close and reopen because the first one is on recent projects

  • I have my separate projects separate.

    So, your issue is changing the project context (for the export) within a workspace with multiple projects.

  • simple as that, i open a workspace with multiple projects and then i export one and i can export other until i close and reopen because the first one is on recent projects

    I just tried this with a multi-root workspace in VS Code. Seems to be fairly smooth as long as you use a single output folder for all your exports.

    1) Open any file in project A (it doesn't have to be an MC file)

    2) Select "Monkey C: Export Project" from command palette

    3) Confirm export output folder

    4) Open any file in project B (it doesn't have to be an MC file)

    5) Repeat steps 2 and 3

    (Personally, I hate Eclipse and I wouldn't use it for any kind of development and especially not as a general purpose text editor, unless I absolutely had to. I only keep it around because I have some old CIQ projects with a custom build step and I haven't bothered to get it working with VS Code yet. Plus I would need it if I had to build with older SDKs for any reason.

    VS Code is far from perfect, but it's popular for a reason and it's constantly improving.)

  • There has been a blocker for me in VS Code since (if I recall) the 4.0.7 SDK.  If you have the Nordic BLE dongle attached and configured in the sim, nothing will run in the sim, much less those apps that use BLE.

    So, I mainly still use Eclipse.  I find Eclipse easier in some ways - as doing things in VS Code seems to take extra steps,  Why require an open file to do an export, for example.

  • Why require an open file to do an export, for example.

    The command palette context is determined from the type (extension) of the open file. "mc" files are particular to Monkey C projects. Other files in the project aren't.