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Connect IQ Developer Support

There are a few ways Connect IQ developers can get help with issues they encounter while working on their apps.

  1. Posting questions to the Connect IQ Developer Discussion Forum (here!). This is the best place to ask how-to questions or get answers for problems you may be encountering during development. Our developer community is helpful, and we have a handful of moderators that actively work to support developers and answer their questions. The Connect IQ team does not actively monitor every forum thread, but we sometimes do get involved in discussions.
  2. Submitting Connect IQ bugs and feature requests to Connect IQ Bug Reports. This is intended for Connect IQ bug reports and not for asking general questions. The Connect IQ team actively monitors the bug reports to capture and root cause issues so we can get them fixed. See for more info on what we look for in bug reports. General questions or how-to requests submitted to the bug reports will be directed back to the discussion forum.
  3. For issues with app store submissions, developers can contact [email protected] for assistance. We can help answer questions about app submission policies, work with you to resolve policy-related issues, or help with any problems you may encounter when submitting your app to the store.

Thanks, and happy coding!

- The Connect IQ Team