I have 3 identical 1 star reviews from one person for same version watch face, what can I do about this?

In this Watch Face I have a total of 47 reviews.  However, I just read them all and see that there are 3 identical 1 star reviews from one person.  They are all for the same version too.

The 1 star Review is:

"Jayfred Castel

05/07/2024 | Version V1.0.1

wind direction does not appear?how to fix?ty"

P.S. The Wind direction works perfectly but he hasn't understood how it works .  Oh and this is a Free watch face!  That's irrelevant, but it does illustrate the nonsense and damge that happens in the IQ Reviews.  As IQ seems to use 5 star Reviews as a way to promote watch Faces, this is really unacceptable. For those develpers creating free watch Faces or Apps this can be enough to just pack it in.

How can this be corrected?

There should be AI checks on the IQ reviews, to not include negative reviews based on the device not being configured correctly for that data to function. Actually, on further thoughts, there should be no reviews for any data not functioning, because these cannot be removed when the developer fixes these issues, and these negative reques live on forever. If a developer does fix a genuine issue, then the negative review should be removed or not included in the review scores. 

Or ask a series of questions and then derive the star rating from the tick box answers:

Something along the lines of:

  • How would you rate the appearance: perfect or could be improved?
  • Did the watch face provide all the features advertised: Yes or No
  • Is the watch face description accurate: Yes or No
  • Are the photos accurate;: Yes or No
  • Etc

IQ really needs to get their Review system sorted if multiple identical reviews are allowed through.

  • Remember, when you reply to a review, the reviewer may never see it but everyone else looking at your reviews will.

    I use 3 different sources for weather data in various apps, and typically, Garmin Weather is the least accurate of any of them, which could be due in part to my location.  But with another, I can tell you the temperature/wind/rain at my house from a few minutes ago.

  • I have been testing Open Weather for the last 18 months and comparing against Garmin Weather.  Wherever I have been in UK (and on a trip to France), by far the most accurate for Feels like Temperature and wind speed and direction is Open Weather.  However, I am a bit reluctant to create an OW face because of the slightly odd way that OW operate regarding the required KEY.  The general user seems to struggle with getting the correct key judging by the comments I read regarding OQ keys used on Apps.

  • I've been using OWM for many years with 100K downloads, and yes, at times I get a question about apikeys, Most can be answered with a screen shot of where it can be found on the OWM site.  My widget for that publishes complications with data that can then be used in watch faces, including those built with FaceIt

  • Thanks.  Good to know.

    I have applied, so fingeres crossed.

  • Going back to the original topic: I think that Garmin should add a new category to the form where developers can report and ask the removal of a comment. This won't help for 1 star reviews without any text, but will help in one particular, pretty common thing (at least for data fields) . I would add a checkbox with something like:

    "The issue described by the user is not related to my app"

    I get reports about other developers' apps,

    but mostly about people not being able to use their own watches...I mean from people who never used a data field before, who don't read my app's description, let alone the linked online FAQ, who don't know how to "Google". To me this clearly should be counted as a bad review for Garmin, not to my app.