I have 3 identical 1 star reviews from one person for same version watch face, what can I do about this?

In this Watch Face I have a total of 47 reviews.  However, I just read them all and see that there are 3 identical 1 star reviews from one person.  They are all for the same version too.

The 1 star Review is:

"Jayfred Castel

05/07/2024 | Version V1.0.1

wind direction does not appear?how to fix?ty"

P.S. The Wind direction works perfectly but he hasn't understood how it works .  Oh and this is a Free watch face!  That's irrelevant, but it does illustrate the nonsense and damge that happens in the IQ Reviews.  As IQ seems to use 5 star Reviews as a way to promote watch Faces, this is really unacceptable. For those develpers creating free watch Faces or Apps this can be enough to just pack it in.

How can this be corrected?

There should be AI checks on the IQ reviews, to not include negative reviews based on the device not being configured correctly for that data to function. Actually, on further thoughts, there should be no reviews for any data not functioning, because these cannot be removed when the developer fixes these issues, and these negative reques live on forever. If a developer does fix a genuine issue, then the negative review should be removed or not included in the review scores. 

Or ask a series of questions and then derive the star rating from the tick box answers:

Something along the lines of:

  • How would you rate the appearance: perfect or could be improved?
  • Did the watch face provide all the features advertised: Yes or No
  • Is the watch face description accurate: Yes or No
  • Are the photos accurate;: Yes or No
  • Etc

IQ really needs to get their Review system sorted if multiple identical reviews are allowed through.

  • Sorry the last bit made me giggle, the users don't read the description, I constantly get reviews or contact developer emails saying this or that is broken when clearly in the description it is highlighted and states (in detail and why) how it works and sometimes I reiterate it in the settings.

    Also in this world of single click laziness, they mostly would not answer more than 2 questions. I also think asking questions like that will get you lower ratings from those that do because they will think about it more.

    In your description you do not mention how wind direction works, you do mention how as a whole Garmin Weather works, but in your response to the Review you tell them to read the 'documentation carefully' to me your response is sarcastic and quite derogatory basically calling them an idiot (my interpretation). 

    In my opinion your response should be sorry to hear you are having issues, no other users are reporting this please contact developer so we can help you more......

  • I only just added that repy out of frustration building frustration. I have added a web FAQ that I will link to, but even that will be ignored. I agree that this "world of single click laziness" includes "can't be bothered to read anything whatsoever" even if included or not.

    The point here is that a 1 star review iscreated because someting is claimed to not work, which it does, and there should some way to avoid this happening.  Certainly this review should not appear 3 times and that is on IQ.

  • Fair enough, but how do you know it works for this user?

  • You're going off piste here, but wind direction and temp are notorious for being stale data or not displaying on the Instinc 2.  I know it works because because I tested it for a few months and the other 10k+ downloaders have not mentioned it. 

    However, none of this is anything to do with the review appearing 3 times in the IQ reviews for that watch face version.

  • I don't see the same review showing 3 times for your WF.  I only see it once.

    And I've never seen one showing more than once for the same version with any of my apps

  • How am I off piste, you are complaining about a bad review because something does not work, and I ask how you know that it does work?

    Can I also ask why you think there are 3 reviews from this user, because I can only see 1 (and you only put 1 in the OP)?

    I would also say that anything above a 4 star average i'd be happy with.

    You ask in the OP what can you do about this - I'm guessing the answer is nothing, other than to adjust your expectations

  • So I just checked the same page which was still open in a browseer tab, refreshed it, and now I onlly see 1 review, as it should. Not sure what happened earlier but there were definitely 3 of them. There was a glitch somewhere, but it is OK now.

  • I know for me, I may only see updated weather every 1-2 hours, and as far as accuracy, that can vary based on things like time of day, my distance to the weather station reporting the data, and possibly an issue with the weather station itself.

    Things you can mention to users which can help them understand.  And the user's specific location will definitely come into play

  • I would recommend you delete your response to the review and ask them to contact you, I doubt they will but if they do, who knows you might find out about a quirk or it will help you adjust your description (as Jim says) to make it clearer on how it works

  • I will certainly add a link to my WF site FAQ that has a lot of wearther issue information, once that is complete.