My Merchant status has only been verified for a few days and I have had 2 seperate aborted attempts at buying from the GARMIN Merchant system, that lost customers have taked the time to email me about.
"I'd like to purchase the Tactical V8 Pixel Perfect watchface but alas my Instinct 2 doesn't support Garmin Pay which is demanded in IQ Connect."
"Trying to pay from my Instinct 3 but my watch wants me told hold it close to the reader. Holding it close to my phone does nothing. Is their another way to pay. This is my FAVORITE watch face!"
These are two contact emails from potential buyers who seem utterly confused by GARMIN PAY.
I had a look at the Instinct 3 Amoled product page to see howt GARMIN PAY is introduced, and the only mention on the main page is:
Breeze through checkout lines or transit systems with participating providers."
Is it any wonder that potential buyers are put off by GARMIN PAY.