New Merchant questions - download and sales reports and tokens.

My first Watch Face has been loaded up for a few days.  I had a few email from users who must have bought it.

However, I have had nothing form IQ to inform me of any purchases and cannot find any way to access the purchase activity.  This is normal with other systemsto get an email confirming what was bought by who and when for every purchase.  The Statistics just spins endlessly.

The IQ page for my watch Face has +1.  I was really hoping that devs will be treated differently to customers and that they will see the actual number of downloads.

Also, how can I download each version of the watch face so that I can check the version and makes sure it gets updated with the right version.  I pressed to buy and it went off to tell me I don't have a Garmin Pay account.  I was expecting to just download as if I was a paying customer based on the fact that I am signed in as the developer for that watch face.

Also, I recall reading about free purchase tokens that can be issued to customers, testers, etc.  Can anyone point me to this information?

I can't find any of this information in the IQ Store documentation.


    And remember, after a user buys an app, they have 48 hours to request a refund, so you may not see the last few days for a month,

    As far as the tokens, I've seen posts with an email address to ask for them, but getting them could take a few days. You'll need one if you don't want to pay for your own app, if I recall.

    The 1+ indicated you have less than 10 downloads.

  • "And remember, after a user buys an app, they have 48 hours to request a refund, so you may not see the last few days for a month"

    That's probably breaking a few laws then.  From memory it's 14 days in the EU and UK AFAIK. Reviews therefore, should not be displayed until the refund policy policy expires( from the country that they order from) really.

    So are you saying that I should have recieved an email for each sale, but that they are delayed?

  • No, you can see monthly sales as discussed in my first link.

  • Thanks.  I looked carefully at your linked page and compared my Dashboard.  I see no Plus symbol like the one in your linked page unfortunately.

    I'm getting a sense here that Garmin do NOT send out an email when a sale is made.

  • "As far as the tokens, I've seen posts with an email address to ask for them, but getting them could take a few days."

    I have searched and searched for this link but no luck  Anyone know the email? 

  • I would expect this is your first month and it's not over, so no reports.  Check again in a few days.

  • Are you sure that applies for digital goods? IMHO even for physical goods it would not apply if for example I opened it (probably also depends on what it is, i.e I guess if it's food then no, if it's a jeans then maybe yes, but does it apply to a jeans if I removed some labels?) or it is damaged by the user.

  • AFAIK yes it does.  Imagine if you buy and download sofware that does not work as advertise, etc.. Of course you can get a refund, and in the EU and UK I believe this is up to 14 days. Digital goods tend to have much stronger refund policies that are loaded in the customers favour.  I'm not an expert but have been selling digital stuff on line for a while though Paddle who certainly do not have a 48 refund policy.  I recall whith Paddle, it is up to the seller to choose to refund with no time limit apart from whatever credt card companies impose which is something like 120 days. 

  • I think the terminology is incorrect here. I believe Garmin do not complete the financial transaction for 48 hours after the 'purchase'. This means two things: 1) The purchase is not complete until at least 48 hours after the initial transaction 2) The user has 48 hours to stop (not refund) the transaction.

    EDIT: from the Garmin Monetization url: 

    • Funds are not captured from customers until the 48-hour return window has passed.

    I am sure that relevant refunds are available after the 48 hours, but as it is a digital product the user will have to jump through lots of hoops to justify and then get an actual refund.

    As far as stats and notifications, there will always be a lead time, and I don't blame Garmin for being conservative (slow) on this, as this is a new process for them and lets face it its not the primary business.

  • No, you don't get an email each time some purchases your app. In case your success increases and you are selling dozens / hundreds of apps per day, you don't want those emails anymore....