My first Watch Face has been loaded up for a few days. I had a few email from users who must have bought it.
However, I have had nothing form IQ to inform me of any purchases and cannot find any way to access the purchase activity. This is normal with other systemsto get an email confirming what was bought by who and when for every purchase. The Statistics just spins endlessly.
The IQ page for my watch Face has +1. I was really hoping that devs will be treated differently to customers and that they will see the actual number of downloads.
Also, how can I download each version of the watch face so that I can check the version and makes sure it gets updated with the right version. I pressed to buy and it went off to tell me I don't have a Garmin Pay account. I was expecting to just download as if I was a paying customer based on the fact that I am signed in as the developer for that watch face.
Also, I recall reading about free purchase tokens that can be issued to customers, testers, etc. Can anyone point me to this information?
I can't find any of this information in the IQ Store documentation.