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Create a new custom training plan?

I'd like to be able to create my own training plan instead of using one in the existing library. I can't find any mention of being able to do this...either in the web UI(no "create new training plan" feature), or in GTC, or by uploading some text version of a training plan. Have I just not found the right solution, or does this functionality simply not exist yet?

Right now I'm manually creating the individual workouts and adding them to the calendar, but this solution can't take advantage of modifying them as a group(shifting the entire schedule) or visually grouping them together(they look just like other workouts in the calendar view). Would be nice to be able to share the entire plan with the community as well.
  • Desperate to create my own plan as well.

    How can we not do this?

    And I can't find any other training plan , like a 70.3 Ironman distance begin able to custom the number of weeks and so for.

    come on Garmin!
  • Did you get anywhere with this?

    hello everyone,
    as a runner, I have been facing the same struggle as most of the athletes in this thread, I came up with an idea to build an robust and simple service for training plans, without digging deep into advanced analytics, plain and simple, main features will be as follow:
    - Create/modify custom training plan
    - Plans store - Browse FREE training plans (VO2, Heart rate or distance base)
    - Track equipment (shoes, bike..etc)
    - Share training plan for free (public and private)
    - Import from CSV or Excel (using custom CSV/XLS template)
    - Workout presets, i.e. Hills, Intervals, recovery ..etc
    - Re-use/re-schedule training plans as units not individual workouts

    Tell me what do you think, I need your support for this one :)

    That would be fantastique.
    We need to be able to modify the number of weeks as well.
    Let me know if I can help.
  • Those services exist - think Training Peaks etc.

    Creating training plans is a time consuming process, especially if you want them personalised. The ones Garmin provide are there to get you started. If you want more, then you have to do them yourself. Garmin is not providing a coaching service.

    More than happy to do them for you... but it'll cost you $50/ programme week
  • That would be fantastique.
    We need to be able to modify the number of weeks as well.
    Let me know if I can help.

    Good to know, will contact you, once I have something ready to test
  • It blows my mind that Garmin has not implemented this feature. I would love to be able to build and share training plans. It would be nice to be able to re-use a custom training plan that I have setup. Building each individual workout can be so tedious. It is also frustrating that I cannot add a workout to the calendar and then modify that instance slightly for that day only. If you change the workout at all, it changes the master workout that you have saved for the next time you schedule it also.
  • Work in progress

    As promised, here we go,, please let me know what do u think a working version will be out soon
  • Is there any easy way to import a strava training plan into Garmin Connect or would I have to create a custom workout for each day of that plan? I like some of the cycling training plans offered for strava premium users but am struggling to see how I can easily get them to my Edge 520.
  • This is def something to improve the garmin system
  • I did just find this :
    Seems there is a work around....using training peaks
  • +1 million.

    How is it possible that this is something that Garmin STILL doesn't allow? Has Garmin addressed the multiple requests on this forum and in others - for the ability of Garmin users to 'play with others? I created a group in the hope that a shared calendar would allow workouts to be scheduled and shared, but again - NO!

    Here's a process that allows workouts to be shared:

    Below are some details from a Chrome addon that works. I use Firefox for web browsing but downloaded Chrome and the extension - the process of having to copy over each workout is a little time consuming but it works and is still far quicker than re-writing each workout. I'm not associated with the extension author.

    Here's the info from the extension download page (I've added a few words to clarify the process):

    This extension enables Garmin connect users to share workouts with each other, a feature that doesn't exist (on Garmin) today. In order to use it, the user who likes to share his workout should go to his Garmin connect account (while using Chrome), and choose the workout he likes to share and download it using this extension. Afterwords he can send the downloaded JSON file to any other user who is interested in this workout. This user (who receives the file) needs to upload the workout file (to his/her Garmin Connect - also using Chrome and the extension). He should then have the workout saved to his account.

    Here's the extension link:

    I am so sick of having to find workarounds for things that don't work in the Garmin universe. The level of support on offer from the company and response to problems and requests is woeful.