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Create a new custom training plan?

I'd like to be able to create my own training plan instead of using one in the existing library. I can't find any mention of being able to do this...either in the web UI(no "create new training plan" feature), or in GTC, or by uploading some text version of a training plan. Have I just not found the right solution, or does this functionality simply not exist yet?

Right now I'm manually creating the individual workouts and adding them to the calendar, but this solution can't take advantage of modifying them as a group(shifting the entire schedule) or visually grouping them together(they look just like other workouts in the calendar view). Would be nice to be able to share the entire plan with the community as well.
  • Came here to find yet another basic functionality that Garmin shouldn't hard at all for Garmin to provide and I see it's going on for 7 years... mind-blowing. 

    Implementing it properly may be much more complex than you imagine, and since Garmin has the free Training API for 3rd parties offering this exact functionality, it is not really necessary that Garmin wastes the resources on the development and the maintenance of the functionality already available through 3rd parties.

    If you are not happy with the 3rd parties solutions and are seriously interested in creating your own training plans, you can also request the access to the API, and create your own solution.

  • Current training plans are barebone functionality that is NOTHING more than grouping of workouts.

    It doesn't have plan adjusting dynamically, intelligent scheduling, it's simple TAG that groups workouts.

    Coding this thing on Garmin side is probably couple weeks of dev work and lack of this functionality now clearly oversight on Garmins side.

    Asking me to go and request commercial API access (sic!c) and coding it myself is some advice, but hardly.

  • Asking me to go and request commercial API access (sic!c) and coding it myself is some advice, but hardly.

    Wrongly interpreted answer. There are plenty of 3rd parties already offering such features (i.e. Training Peaks, Endomondo already mentioned in this thread). Developing own solution is just another alternative for those who need features not available through the existing 3rd party services.

  • Honestly, the pre-made training plans don't fit my needs. I come from a Polar background and plan creation was integral to their methodology. Why is this not something that Garmin provides?

  • You can just join a self-guided plan, then edit it to your heart's content.