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Create a new custom training plan?

I'd like to be able to create my own training plan instead of using one in the existing library. I can't find any mention of being able to do this...either in the web UI(no "create new training plan" feature), or in GTC, or by uploading some text version of a training plan. Have I just not found the right solution, or does this functionality simply not exist yet?

Right now I'm manually creating the individual workouts and adding them to the calendar, but this solution can't take advantage of modifying them as a group(shifting the entire schedule) or visually grouping them together(they look just like other workouts in the calendar view). Would be nice to be able to share the entire plan with the community as well.
  • Hi
    i have found the perfect solution for uploading custom trainingplans :)
    received my garmin Fenix 3 yesterday and was very frustrated that it apparantly couldnt use the normal traingplans as tcx files,so i started to find a workaround..
    when i contacted garmin they said that only fit files was supported but cant find any programs that will convert from tcx to fit
    thay also said that garmin training center didnt work because it wasnt supported
    but this morning after a lot off google search and frustration i tryed to connect with usb and closed garmin express and then opened training center and WTH my fenix 3 showed up after a search for new device !!! then i tryed to load a scheduled training for tomorrow (tcx trainingplan file from endomonde) and it went right through (allmost to good to be happening
    so i disconnected and the watch started updating(i think the watch converts the tcx to fit by itself) and after 10 seconds i could find the scheduled training in my calendar :)

    Thanks Grunk, it did the job for me as well !! I created a training plan with and exported all trainings as .fit . I copied them to my 735XT and they appeared as workouts . Then I open Garmin Training Center and click on "receive from device" , and all workouts appeared in garmin training center. I could then drag en drop them to garmin training center calendar and "send to device" and Boom ! they appear in my device's calendar. So it seems some functionality from deprecated "Garmin Training Center" has not yet been put in "garminconnect" software.
  • We are left to use all different kind of workarounds until Garmin give us possibility to do this in a regular way. So what I did, I created some kind of descriptive language to be able to describe a workout and then to make my custom training plan in a form of a spreadsheet which can later be scheduled or deleted from Garmin Connect.

    Feel free to try this out:

    For now, only running workouts are supported.
  • Still not available? I dont understand Garmin! Please let me create my own training plan!
  • I'm also waiting this option.. It's very important feature..
  • How is this still not a thing? We've been asking for it for years now. As a cyclist it is very annoying that there is only ONE training plan. PLEASE, let us make our own already!
  • mgifos Thank you for the very neat program. It is a very good workaround for now. Supports cycling too already. The repeat workout functionality is great. I don't know if it would be possible but I got an idea that it would be great to be able to reference workouts already defined in Garmin Connect, but seems like the API is restricted with a hefty fee. Usual Garmin mentality that they don't even allow us users to help them out. How great it would be to have a totally open sourced platform?
  • Usual Garmin mentality that they don't even allow us users to help them out.
    The most, or best, help you can offer for-profit enterprise in the consumer market is to let them know what you as a consumer/user need and want in functionality such that you're prepared to increase your spending significantly (preferably on a recurring/subscription basis, as opposed to a one-off expense) to get it . You work hard to make money, in order to spend it on things you need and want, and if you invite corporations to take you hard-earned in exchange for such, they will come.

    How great it would be to have a totally open sourced platform?
    If you say so from the perspective of a developer or a technologist, then please feel free to be a market disruptor, and build a rival to Garmin (and whoever else) on an open-sourced platform at your upfront cost and risk, such that if you succeed consumers/users at large will be the beneficiary; you either benefit as just one of millions of consumers and get a small slice, or you somehow find a way to make money by taking from the rest of them in exchange for what you provide.

  • Agree, this would be a welcome feature. I am currently staring at a book with an awesome training plan, and then ... no way to get that plan into Garmin to use with my watch. Oh well, I'll just have to take the book with me on the runs.... :) 

  • The Garmin Training API is possibly not as old as this thread (7 years), but it is certainly available since several years already, anyway. A seriously interested parties can request the free access to the API, and develop their own training plans. Because of keeping certain quality standards, liabilitym and warranties, you have to be a registered business to be granted the access, though. 

  • Came here to find yet another basic functionality that Garmin shouldn't hard at all for Garmin to provide and I see it's going on for 7 years... mind-blowing. 


    can you help us with getting this one on the garmin roadmap?