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Create a new custom training plan?

I'd like to be able to create my own training plan instead of using one in the existing library. I can't find any mention of being able to do this...either in the web UI(no "create new training plan" feature), or in GTC, or by uploading some text version of a training plan. Have I just not found the right solution, or does this functionality simply not exist yet?

Right now I'm manually creating the individual workouts and adding them to the calendar, but this solution can't take advantage of modifying them as a group(shifting the entire schedule) or visually grouping them together(they look just like other workouts in the calendar view). Would be nice to be able to share the entire plan with the community as well.
  • Agreed +1000.
    I've just spent a lots of money for FR620 and I'm a little bit disappointed that Garmin force me to use the training plans designed by whoever. I have created a single workout and saved them into calendar but this take a lot of time and it is the way around.
  • +1 This is also something I would like...kind of an over sight not having this feature already.
  • +1

    +1 for planned/completed function both in browser and iOS app
  • I need it as well!

    I need this feature!
  • Mee too

    It would be great!! but it is needed in the mobile app as well. I don't mean to be able to create a training plan in the app, but to visualize what I create on the web.
  • +many
    Need this feature aswel. Surprised that this ability not included so far.
  • +1 Agreed

    Yeah Garmin Connect sucks on some obvious aspects. products are ok but site is far below, imo, what polar offers: e.g. the ability for instance to create session objectives that are later reminded on the watch as well. in term of functionality, GC is ofering the strict minimum. It sounds like the site developers are not really into sport and don;t understand people' needs. A pity
    Currently trying to do that on TrainingPeaks will see in a while if TP is able to match inputs from GC to the Achieved part of a planned exercise.
  • Get on with it Garmin!

    The original request / query for wanting to create custom plans was made in 2012. I've been a loyal Garmin owner for many years, but I can't believe that 4 years on, Garmin have still not moved on this. Guess I'll be moving over to Suunto very soon with their fantastic devices and app Moves...
  • What's taking so long?

    I've spent so much money on Garmin fitness trackers, and incredibly considering making another Edge purchase. I have supported the development of this feature tenfold. Where is it, Garmin?

    I see the work around of starting a plan, then editing it. The workout editor UI on GC stinks... I can already imagine how painful that must be to edit a several-month training program.

    Feeling the need to give credit where do, I did use the HR-based half marathon plan and PR'd this past December by 5 min. I can attest that at least some of the plans offered at least work!
  • Garmin has our money, so they don't care.

    It's sad to say but I too would like to set up a training program.
    None of the plans will work for the training I need for the ride of the Camino across Spain.
    It's 740km over 12 days on gravel paths.
    I started 2 month ago on the roadie and now going across to the MBT. Hills and weight next.

    Sorry for Garmin, as I will consider another product next time.:mad: