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Create a new custom training plan?

I'd like to be able to create my own training plan instead of using one in the existing library. I can't find any mention of being able to do this...either in the web UI(no "create new training plan" feature), or in GTC, or by uploading some text version of a training plan. Have I just not found the right solution, or does this functionality simply not exist yet?

Right now I'm manually creating the individual workouts and adding them to the calendar, but this solution can't take advantage of modifying them as a group(shifting the entire schedule) or visually grouping them together(they look just like other workouts in the calendar view). Would be nice to be able to share the entire plan with the community as well.
  • To overcome the limitations of 8/12/16 week schedules, presumably you could add multiple plans and butt them up against each other. ...

    Great idea! Yes I think that would work. I like the idea of easy to move blocks too.


  • we should ALL request for the ability to create a training plan at Garmin
    it is ridiculous that we spend thousands of $ in Garmin products and we cant even create, export ad import such a fundamental task in any athletes' routine.

    The Workaround is "OK" if you happen to find one that is as long as you need it to be....but it is just not right that we can't create our own.
  • I'd like to be able to create my own training plan instead of using one in the existing library. I can't find any mention of being able to do this...either in the web UI(no "create new training plan" feature), or in GTC, or by uploading some text version of a training plan. Have I just not found the right solution, or does this functionality simply not exist yet?

    Right now I'm manually creating the individual workouts and adding them to the calendar, but this solution can't take advantage of modifying them as a group(shifting the entire schedule) or visually grouping them together(they look just like other workouts in the calendar view). Would be nice to be able to share the entire plan with the community as well.

    i have found the perfect solution for uploading custom trainingplans :)
    received my garmin Fenix 3 yesterday and was very frustrated that it apparantly couldnt use the normal traingplans as tcx files,so i started to find a workaround..
    when i contacted garmin they said that only fit files was supported but cant find any programs that will convert from tcx to fit
    thay also said that garmin training center didnt work because it wasnt supported
    but this morning after a lot off google search and frustration i tryed to connect with usb and closed garmin express and then opened training center and WTH my fenix 3 showed up after a search for new device !!! then i tryed to load a scheduled training for tomorrow (tcx trainingplan file from endomonde) and it went right through (allmost to good to be happening
    so i disconnected and the watch started updating(i think the watch converts the tcx to fit by itself) and after 10 seconds i could find the scheduled training in my calendar :)
  • Agreed. Garmin need to provide us with the ability to create our own training plans, this is a major limiter of the existing tool.

    I agree!
  • Hello, this has nothing to do with this thread. I am new to this and trying to sort out how the Vívo connect app works.
    I am wanting to create a new group in the connect app, but not sure how, any help would be great.
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 9 years ago
    Another +1 for the ability to create custom training plans. I did submit my request to Garmin as well:
  • Another +1 for the ability to create custom training plans. I did submit my request to Garmin as well:

    +1, and I also submit my request to Garmin as well, adding this Thread link to it.

    Another feature that is very similar to this thread would be Adding an Exercise to a Group Calendar, instead of only creating exercises and submitting to my own device. Every week I practice triathlon with friends and we share the same trainning, but each one adds it differently to our Garmins.
  • +1 on creating custom training plan templates. Garmin really needs longer distance triathlon training plans too.
  • Can we get this feature? With the calendar in the iOS app too thanks. And a training plan/workout "store" in the iOS app where people can exchange training plans/workouts.