TCX import is failing

I am attempting to import TCX files from Fitbit into Garmin and I am getting this error for every TCX file I try:

An error occurred with your upload. Please try again.

When I open Chrome's debugging tools, in the console I see this error after I click the "Import Data" button:

GET 500 (Internal Server Error)

The TCX files are sourced directly from Fitbit so I have no reason to suspect they are not correct and I have done no modifications to them. I have tried both very small TCX files as well as larger ones. 

Can someone from internal Garmin support help with this?

  • I can fix it by uploading it to tcx-tools and simply saving it out again, but I have dozens of files to upload. Garmin will have to fix it eventually. There will be a trickle of people reporting it until they do. 

  • What's the diff of the two files?

    What's the tcx-tools site? tcxtoolsdotcom doesn't seem to have anything useful.

  • Actually, it was this site I was thinking of not tcx-tools. It's not immediately obvious from the diff where the problem lies because that site seems to strip out quite a bit of data.

  • FWIW, I got this reply from support: 

    "Thank you for this information, I will update the team and get back to you with a response once received. The case has been escalated by them already."

  • While this tool produces a tcx file that can be uploaded without error, it does lose all the lap information. Maybe that's a clue to the bug in the current server upload process.

  • This is what I received 

    I understand the process you took there and yes that does remain the correct process for uploading Fitbit files. However, with what we have done here, it shows the upload was working fine, but the Fitbit file in question did generate an issue and thus would mean i has somehow malformed.

    I appreciate the mention in the forums here, 

    Due to the nature of internet forums, people will express their personal views which they are entitled to do and we have no control over this. Our preference would be for them to contact us first so that we can offer support.

    You will likely find other users that have experienced similar issues to yourself, and the same can be found for any electrical device and potential issue, but these do only make up a very small minority of users, and very few of these turn out to be genuine faults.  As such, whilst regrettably faults can occur, as they can on any electrical device, there are no known faults with these, which can cause this.

    I replied pointing out that the testing they've done is inconclusive. Just because they can upload a file created by a Garmin device, doesn't mean that people are not having problems uploading files from non-Garmin devices. I also told them that I have dozens of files that fail to import, not just one.

  • That's not helpful from product support. I'll keep pressing as well. In the meantime, if anyone has a sample tcx file (that includes lap info)  from a Garmin device that is working with the Garmin Connect upload process then it would be very helpful to post it here. At least then I can potentially update my own app to replicate the format.

  • if anyone has a sample tcx file (that includes lap info)  from a Garmin device that is working with the Garmin Connect upload process then it would be very helpful to post it here.

    You can export any of your activities with laps to a TCX file, and then trying to re-import it to GC. You will need to change the timestamp in the TCX file, though (or to delete the original activity), since you cannot import a direct duplicate of an existing activity.

    As I already wrote, check your TCX files that fail to import, for blank lines, and try removing them - that's one of things that are known to cause problems to GC.

  • I have just discovered something useful, at least for fixing my app. It seems that the Garmin Connect upload is now requiring an <Author> tag whereas it did not in the past. My tcx files without the tag give an upload error. My tcx files which include the tag now upload successfully. Here is an example of the author tag that I have added in the penultimate line of the tcx file, just before </TrainingCenterDatabase>

    <Author xsi:type="Application_t">
    <Name>Wear Logger</Name>

  • You can export any of your activities with laps to a TCX file, and then trying to re-import it to GC

    I don't have a Garmin device, which is why I was asking. But I think I have found the cause of the upload error, see my other reply.