TCX import is failing

I am attempting to import TCX files from Fitbit into Garmin and I am getting this error for every TCX file I try:

An error occurred with your upload. Please try again.

When I open Chrome's debugging tools, in the console I see this error after I click the "Import Data" button:

GET 500 (Internal Server Error)

The TCX files are sourced directly from Fitbit so I have no reason to suspect they are not correct and I have done no modifications to them. I have tried both very small TCX files as well as larger ones. 

Can someone from internal Garmin support help with this?

  • Plots lukt het niet meer voor het uploaden van tcx bestanden uit Kinomap.
    Eerder lukte dit zonder pronblemen.

    Vriendelijke groeten

  • Latest from Garmin on my support case:

    An update for you on the experience issue you are having with Fitbit uploads. I have been able to reproduce this on my service account but my Garmin Connect engineers have not been able to reproduce this. We have not had any other users experience this and report it to us. For now, we are going to move forward with setting this as an experience issue since they are not able to fix it. The activities are uploading to your account which is a good thing in the end. Since they are not Garmin uploads specifically, we are just going to set this as an experience issue for now on our end. 

    Thank you for choosing Garmin,


    Product Support

    When I explained this is a very poor user experience, especially when coming from a competitive product they said:

    Forums is a place for users to talk amongst each other. If they don't report it in, we can't help and fix this issue. I recommend posting on there stating to them that they should contact us so we can put them on this ticket and escalate it. Unfortunately we have closed it for now.   

    Thank you for choosing Garmin,


    Product Support

    Garmin International

    So everyone please log a support case, and cross your fingers that they'll do something.

  • What does she mean by "The activities are uploading to your account which is a good thing in the end. "? I thought you were not able to upload them because of the error.

    I cannot see how the engineers are unable to reproduce the problem. You cannot upload the tcx file, the support agent cannot upload the tcx file, how can the engineers not encounter the same problem?

    Also, what on earth is an "Experience Issue"?

  • The few that I have spot checked are actually uploading despite the error. I wasn't going to go and check if the hundreds of activities were successfully loading.

    Not sure, I think they are just trying to find an excuse not to fix it.

  • Surprise, surprise, they're trying to throw the blame on FitBit.

    We have been reviewing this further and it appears we have bee able to download a TCX file from an activity from Connect and uploaded this to a test account without issue. The one from Fitbit appears to be malformed. With that said, we'd have to ask you to contact Fitbit and see if they can repair the file as that is not something we can do here.  

    I'm sure when I contact FitBit they'll say nothing has changed. Also, Garmin have ignored that there have been reports of problems with tcx files from several platforms, not just FitBit.

    If Garmin think the FitBit .tcx file is malformed, they should specify exactly where it is malformed. The fact that they can upload one of their own .tcx files doesn't mean the FitBit file is malformed. The .tcx file specification is quite broad with optional fields. 

  • If your Fitbit TCX file is like mine, it is slightly incorrect (doesn't confrom to the XSD). The <Creator ...> tag needs a version under it like so:


    The values in tags can be any value, but it just needs the Version tag.

    Even after adding this, as well as making the TrainingCenterDatabase tag match one that is exported from Garmin:

    <TrainingCenterDatabase xsi:schemaLocation=" ">"
    xmlns:xsi="">" xmlns:ns4="">">

    The import still fails with an undetermined error. And they refuse to fix it.

    Try fixing up your TCX file like so, and resubmit it to them and see what they say.

  • Thanks, I'll have a look at that. The frustrating part is that the import process must be producing a log on their servers which will show exactly what part of the .tcx it is failing on. I'm pretty sure it will be an easy fix. Instead of that they've come up with the ludicrous idea of importing a completely different file and deducing from that there is no problem.

    I replied pointing out that I created and imported the Fitbit file following the instructions on the Garmin website, also that there have been multiple reports of this problem from users whose .tcx files come from a source other than Fitbit. 

  • I completely agree. As a software developer myself, this should be an easy problem to fix unless it is some huge design issue on their part, which I can't imagine as it's a simple file. I agree there should be some error message somewhere that says easily what the issue is.

  • My guess is that about 6 weeks ago they made some relatively minor change to the import process and tested using only Garmin .tcx files, ignoring .tcx files created by third-parties. 

  • Post the TCX file here. I (or whoever else) can have a look at it, compare it with a file exported from GC, and try to tell you what is wrong with it. To insert it into the post, you have to zip it. Only zipped files can be inserted.

    I remember that the GC TCX import is quite picky on the syntax, and fails for example on empty lines, so that would be the first thing to check.