TCX import is failing

I am attempting to import TCX files from Fitbit into Garmin and I am getting this error for every TCX file I try:

An error occurred with your upload. Please try again.

When I open Chrome's debugging tools, in the console I see this error after I click the "Import Data" button:

GET 500 (Internal Server Error)

The TCX files are sourced directly from Fitbit so I have no reason to suspect they are not correct and I have done no modifications to them. I have tried both very small TCX files as well as larger ones. 

Can someone from internal Garmin support help with this?

  • Can someone from internal Garmin support help with this?

    You can try contacting the Support. However I doubt they would spend their time in studying what is wrong in a file coming from a 3rd party. I rather recommend exporting one of your existing activities as a TCX file, comparing it to yours, and adjusting the 3rd party file to match the version exported from Garmin Connect.

  • This isn't from a 3rd party. They are directly from Fitbit as I said.

  • This isn't from a 3rd party. They are directly from Fitbit as I said.

    Fitbit is not Garmin, hence it is a 3rd party file (the 1st party being you, the 2nd one Garmin, and the 3rd party Fitbit)

  • Fair, I thought when you said export an activity you meant from Fitbit not Garmin.

    I had already compared the two, and they are exactly the same format minus some xsi and xlns metadata in the TrainingCenterDatabase tag. I tried it with that metadata matching and it still has an error.

    Even though it has an error, the activity still imports and shows up as an Activity later on.

  • Well, if it imports, then your problem seems to be solved, but if you want to get rid of the error anyway, make sure there are no blank lines in the imported tcx file. If that alone does not help, you'd need to strip down both the original Garmin and the Fitbit file to the shortest possible version, and then replacing one line at a time from the Fitbit to the Garmin file, till you localize the critical line.

  • i have the same Problem with Bosch Ebike Tcx files...

  • I got them to open a case on it, so hopefully they'll fix it. Have you verified that they are valid according to the XSD?

  • I've noticed that my recent TCX uploads are failing with an error message. These TCX files are using a standard format that has worked in the past, for example in February. To prove this, I  deleted an activity that I had uploaded from a TCX file on 3 February and re-uploaded using the same TCX file as used previously. This time the upload failed with an error.

    It seems as though there have been changes to the TCX upload process - files that were previously successful now give errors. It would be great to know exactly what has changed.

  • Please raise a support ticket. There are about 3 similar reports on this forum, together with reports on Zwift and other places on the net. I raised a ticket several days ago and have just been told "We are not getting any current reports of this importing issue".

    They closed the ticket. I've re-opened it but if more people report it to them they might take it more seriously. 

    I told them that there were reports of the problem in this forum and they replied "We understand you have provided some Forum links however these are not always reviewed by us directly. ". Which I take to mean they ignore just about everything on this forum and the only way to get their attention is for several people to raise a support ticket.

  • Hi Keith, do you have a link for the place to raise a support ticket? I can't immediately find the right place to do that.