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Usability Problems With New Garmin Connect Web Courses Page

TLDR: With the list of courses on the left hand side, you cannot CTRL-Click to open into a new browser tab (or Right Click and select 'Open in New Tab'). This makes it SUPER ANNOYING when planning out what Ride/Run course I want to follow. #GarminPleaseFixThis

So I've got almost 600 courses saved in my Garmin Connect Courses.

My usual workflow is to: Open MyCourses list, then filter by Type e.g. 'Road Cycling', then add a distance filter e.g '50-80 Km'
   (* Props admittedly due to the Devs for the very useful new 'Course Name' filter and actually functional distance filters!)

I would then scroll through the list and open the Courses I was thinking about riding into New Tabs (so that I could look at the routes in more detail)

With the new UI (v4.65.2.0, it does look better, but it has BROKEN the ability to open the separate courses into new tabs (NO Ctrl-Click or Right-Click)

If you click on a Course it loads the full Course Details page (which you could duplicate the tab), but then when you go back it has lost the Filters and you have to apply them again.

This makes looking at or comparing multiple courses almost impossible, thus making the new UI absolutely useless!
[Tested on Windows 11, Firefox v112.0 + Chrome v112.0.5615.86]

GARMIN DEVS... can this please be fixed ASAP (and if anyone knows a way of temporarily going back to the old UI, that would be really helpful!

Cheers, Derek 

  • So I got a notification that they'd fixed the right click open in new tab, which they have from the terrible new list layout. But you can't from the map still.

    I don't see any other fixes yet, like the waste of space, defaulting to Kansas constantly and the not refreshing the terrible list when you do move the map to a specific area.

  • I just wanted to give some positive feedback about the updates to the Course Pages in GC v4.66.0.19,

    From some quick testing I've just done, it appears my two biggest problems have now been solved.
    1. Open Course in New Tab (by CTRL-Click or RIght Click)... now works White check mark
    2. When viewing/editing a course, it no longer resets the location back to the start, whenever you change the Map Provider / Map Type White check mark

    These two issues were the major usability problems for me... and I'm so pleased that the Course Page is now working properly again, like before.

    A big thank-you from me to whomever in Garmin helped make these fixes happen Thumbsup

  • Is there a way to get back to the older 'classic' version.  This one is so slow and buggy.  I just spent 30 minutes making a route and it wouldn't save.  Now I have to start all over!  I like the new course nav on the left side, but it's so slooooow.  When you have over 100 courses (even with filtering), it takes forever to refresh new pages.  Maybe toggle the course preview off as an option?  

  • Add to your list that it often wants to route me in the wrong direction (running against traffic).  Perhaps because we are a left side of the road driving country but it's assuming right side drive?  I'm in Thailand.  The new interface is so slow and clunky!

  • 1) Doesn't save, you end up losing work.  Happened to me 3 times in the course of creating/updating a new course.

    2) Routes against traffic consistently (Thailand drives on the left side, it keep routing me on the right side - dangerous and wrong).

    3) Slow UI, everything is now tucked into drop down menus.  Whole workflow is so much slower.  Need to start looking at RidewithGPS or Strava for course creation.  I put up with the bugs in the old UI as I knew were the problems and quirks were and could work around them.  This new UI is completely unusable.

    Sad Panda face.

  • I am finding it impossible to do very simple edits in the new course creator. It's broken as far as I am concerned.

  • I find it extremly difficult to use and far away from smooth.

  • Thank you for reporting this. Do we have permission to contact you via email? What Country are you located in?

  • sure, Germany. Your people already contacted me via twitter and later by email this evening.

  • Yes, the exported GPX file contains the Course Points.

    Yes, GPSBabel creates a FIT file with correct Course Points. When imported into Edge 1040 it seems OK.